Work Placement in Belgium (B-ODISEE-OBF92A)

20 ECTSEnglishBoth termsBoth termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Felix Vargas Edgar (coordinator) |  Felix Vargas Edgar
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

We refer to the competency profile of the Business Management programme with a major in Marketing which is an integral part of this ECTS sheet.

The profession-specific competences depend mainly on the type of company and the tasks that are imposed.

The marketing component involves performing or helping with marketing assignments relating to market research, marketing communication, competition analysis, marketing strategies, etc.  

The profession-specific competencies will be evaluated on the criteria forthe Level 6 diploma (bachelor level);

All of the competencies listed below would be at 3.0 Advanced level, as this is pre-graduation phase of education:


1. Leaving from their own area of specialization, the graduate can support the company policy efficiently.

1.1 Analyses business processes, corporate functions, strategies, corporate culture and the total business environment

1.2 Is able to draw up contextual business and organizational processes

1.3 Sees the connections between various business and organizational processes

1.4 Words a motivated advice in order to optimize short and long term company policies

2. The graduate actively supports various actors in achieving the (strategic) objectives of a company or organization.

2.1 Collects current economic information, e.g. consumer confidence, inflation rate, interpreting interest rates and graphs/tables

2.2 Words recommendations for management decisions in the short and long term

2.3 Words recommendations in order to optimize the financial health of a company

2.4 Detects legal issues and comprehends how to handle them

3. The graduate shows entrepreneurial spirit, works independently, systematically and accurately and acts solution-oriented and innovative to optimize context-related business and organization processes.

3.1 Determines work, problems and chances pro-actively within the company or business enterprise

3.2 Thinks of alternative ideas, propositions, solutions and actions and implements them

3.3 Is able to see an opportunity, translates this into a project and draws up a corresponding (basic) business plan

3.4 Draws up budgets, substantiates and monitors them

3.5 Works carefully and meticulously with an eye for details and finish, even under time constraints

4. Leaving from his own area of specialization the graduate develops and maintains good relationships with all stakeholders.

4.1 Empathizes for the situation of others

4.2 Understands the situation of customers

4.3 Actively listens to problems, complaints and wishes

4.4 Undertakes actions in order to optimize service for customers

4.5 Undertakes actions in order to make professional contacts with stakeholders

4.6 Undertakes actions in order to develop professional contacts with stakeholders

5. The graduate makes efficient and effective use of IT applications to support the management of companies and organizations.

5.1 Supports processes with appropriate IT-tools

5.2 Processes, manages and analyses data with existing software packages to speed up/automate administrative tasks

5.3 Uses and integrates standard software critically and purposefully in its actions to efficiently process data, textual and numerical information and to communicate in a professional context

5.4 Assesses and analyses a specific business situation critically and chooses the right solution via integrated software

6. The graduate collects, analyses, interprets and evaluates autonomous scientific and contextual quantitative and qualitative data and is able to report professionally about it and formulate recommendations whilst showing a critical investigative attitude.

6.1 Searches efficiently for relevant and reliable information and sources

6.2 Draws up an action plan and chooses the appropriate research methods

6.3 Analyses, interprets and evaluates information correctly and critically

6.4 Writes a substantiated conclusion and a practical advise

7. The graduate handles internal and external oral and written communications in three languages.

7.1 Understands and interprets oral messages

7.2 Writes reports and words a message, a personal opinion or point of view, integrating business information and numerical data

7.3 Holds a conversation about both general socio-economic as well as professional issues

7.4 Interprets and assesses business sources, messages or instructions correctly

7.5 Writes internal and external correspondence and uses an appropriate format

7.6 Writes informative and convincing texts adapting the style to the audience and combining different media

7.7 Communicates in an interactive manner with internal and external stakeholders in a specific professional context

8. The graduate works constructively together as a member of a diverse team and takes responsibility in various tasks and roles within a company or organization.

8.1 Actively contributes to a common result (shares information)

8.2 Takes responsibility in executing delegated tasks and/or for the self-performed part of the teamwork

8.3 Respects unanimous decisions even if these don't comply with personal opinion

8.4 Has an open attitude; respects others opinions

8.5 Nourishes the team spirit

9. The graduate acts in an ethical, deontological and socially responsible manner and reflects on their own actions and the actions of others.

9.1 Respects the professional code of ethics

9.2 Acts in accordance with generally accepted ethical standards

9.3 Acts respectful and with integrity

9.4 Appropriately handles diversity within the organization (culture, religion, gender, disabilities)

9.5 Takes into account the interests and sensitivities of other cultures

9.6 Treats people, resources and environment with care

10.   The graduate takes responsibility for their own professional development and independently monitors (international) trends and integrates these new insights.

10.1 Questions his personal way of work as a professional

10.2  Knows strengths and weaknesses in their own functioning and formulates points of improvement

10.3 Adjusts his own functioning in accordance to his talents

10.4 Develops a focus on lifelong learning

10.5   Seeks out new learning opportunities on its own initiative and follows up on (international) trends

10.6 Proactively enhances own expertise

10.7 Adjusts personal approach based on these new insights


20. The graduate is able to analyse the logistics sector, the supply-chain and the business environment and to define the influence of environmental factors on company operations.

20.1 Gathers and assesses information on the logistics sector or processes as well as on the supply-chain and the procurement processes

20.2 Understands the logistics sector and processes, the supply-chain and the procurement processes

20.3 Determines the influence of supply-chain management on business operations, the supply chain and the procurement processes

22. The graduate analyses the market and words conclusions.

22.1Delivers a customer analysis and/or a vendor rating and/or carries out and interprets a competitor analysis

22.2 Analyses and interprets the macro-environment

23 The graduate words advice interpreting the data derived from market research.

23.1 Prepares and/or carries out (parts of) a market research

23.2 Interprets the outcomes of a market research, gives advice and reports to the management

24. The graduate is able to define objectives, product-service-, pricing, distribution, and communications strategies.

24.1 Determines segments, target groups and defines position

24.2Takes decisions about products, services and assortment

24.3 Takes decisions about distribution channels.

24.4 Assesses communication tools and the communication mix

24.5 (Helps) to develop a communication tool

24.6 Drafts an integrated communication plan and follows-up

24.7 Prepares decision making relating to pricing policy

24.8 Drafts a marketing plan integrating strategic elements such as product, services, distribution, communication and pricing

24.9 Determines and/or interprets data and trends relating to marketing

25. The graduate can target prospects and manage his customers within the context of the commercial strategy.

25.1 Prepares and/or delivers a sales pitch taking into account the specific customer profile

25.2 Has a sound understanding of a customer database

25.3 Analyses a simple CRM-database and draws conclusions

25.4 Prepares and answers for an (internal and external) account plan

25.5 Contributes to an integrated commercial plan

25.6 Understands the main keys to lead a sales team successfully

25.7 Calculates and analyses commercial data

This course unit is a non-tolerable course unit in the following study programme(s):


20 ects. Work Placement in Belgium (B-ODISEE-OBF92a)

20 ECTSEnglishFormat: Bachelor's paperBoth termsBoth terms
Felix Vargas Edgar
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

The internship includes activities that must be functional in the context of the training program and in the field of the internship. This takes into account the competence profile linked to the program / course of study.

Reference is also made to the Digital Portfolio as well as the Toledo manual that forms an integral part of this ECTS sheet.
Talent development is linked to the experience during the training, and especially during the internship. A number of powerful learning moments / experiences are analyzed to present your assets (and points of interest). This is structured in different phases within the portfolio development.

 This course unit belongs to the field of study and field of work.


Work Placement in Belgium (B-ODISEE-O73965)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours, Portfolio, Process evaluation
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer, Reference work

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale


The student himself is responsible for finding a workplace before the start of internship. To do so, student needs to make the necessary efforts and respects the deadlines imposed (e.g strict deadline on proposal submission & contract signature). The course coordinator & Odisee supervisor supports the student in the search. Therefore, it is important to keep the course coordinator informed. All agreements are communicated via Toledo. The briefing & information to students starts one semester in advance (e.g. via 2BBM-course of Business Skills and separate information sessions) and students are advised/expected to start their search well before they take the course on their ISP.


According to the track, students will be graded in the following way:

1.A. Accelerated Track in single semester (EP1 submission & presentation) – Maximum of 100 points earned on 4 components:

  • Maximum 20 points are awarded for the digital portfolio, which is assessed by the Odisee supervisor.
  • Maximum 10 points are awarded for the halfway report, which is assessed by the Odisee supervisor.
  • Maximum 10 points are awarded for the final report, which is assessed by the Odisee supervisor.
  • Maximum 60 points are awarded for the quality of the work placement activities and the extent to which the evolution of competencies has been demonstrated. The work placement activities are assessed by the Odisee supervisor, who receives input from the company mentor.

Additional requirements/conditions:

  • A student who does not find a work placement before the published deadline receives a 0/20 score.
  • A student whose internship collaboration is terminated early (dismissal by company or own dismissal) receives a 0/20 score.
  • Students must obtain at least half of the maximum points in each of these course components to pass the course. Failing in one of these course components results in the course grade being capped at 35/100 (7/20).
    • For example, missing, incomplete, or late submissions of the Digital Portfolio or Halfway/Final Reports will result in a failing grade.
  • Grading process: the Odisee supervisor decides the course grade (the company mentor’s input is considered; however, re-calibration may be required). The final mark for this course is determined by the internship committee, which includes the Odisee internship supervisors.
  • The language used in all parts of the evaluation is taken into account.
  • A deficiency in this course is not tolerable.


1.B. Regular Track through 2 semesters (EP2 submission & presentation) – Maximum of 100 points earned on 5 components:

  • Maximum 10 points are awarded for workshop attendance (three workshops) organized by the Work Placement Coordinator, assessed by the Odisee supervisor.
  • Maximum 10 points are awarded for the digital portfolio, which is assessed by the Odisee supervisor.
  • Maximum 10 points are awarded for the halfway report, which is assessed by the Odisee supervisor.
  • Maximum 10 points are awarded for the final report, which is assessed by the Odisee supervisor.
  • Maximum 60 points are awarded for the quality of the work placement activities and the extent to which the evolution of competencies has been demonstrated. The work placement activities are assessed by the Odisee supervisor, who receives input from the company mentor.

Additional requirements/conditions:

  • A student who does not find a work placement before the published deadline receives a 0/20 score.
  • A student whose internship collaboration is terminated early (dismissal by company or own dismissal) receives a 0/20 score.
  • Students must obtain at least half of the maximum points in each of these course components to pass the course. Failing in one of these course components results in the course grade being capped at 35/100 (7/20).
    • For example, missing, incomplete, or late submissions of the Digital Portfolio or Halfway/Final Reports will result in a failing grade.
    • Adequate workshop attendance (more than 5 points) is also required to pass the course.
  • Grading process: the Odisee supervisor decides the course grade (the company mentor’s input is considered; however, re-calibration may be required). The final mark for this course is determined by the internship committee, which includes the Odisee internship supervisors.
  • The language used in all parts of the evaluation is taken into account.
  • A deficiency in this course is not tolerable.



No 2nd examination opportunity.

No 2nd examination opportunity.

This course does NOT offer a retake opportunity