Spanish 1 (B-ODISEE-OBF70A)

4 ECTSSpanish44 Second termSecond term
De Schryver Hilde (coordinator) |  De Schryver Hilde |  Felix Vargas Edgar
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

Competency  3: Can support and manage internal and external oral and written communications in at least three languages 

3.1 understands and interprets oral messages (starter)
3.2 writes reports and  words a message, a personal opinion or point of view, integrating business information and numerical data. (starter)
3.3 Speaks about general socio-economic as well as professional issues.. (starter)
3.4 interprets and assesses business sources, messages or instructions correctly. (starter)
3.5 writes informative and convincing texts adapting the style to the audience and combining different media. (starter)
3.6 writes internal and external professional correspondence  in an appropriate way (starter)

We start from scratch but proceed at a reasonable yet firm pace.

This course exclusively aims at students wanting to study Spanish as a foreign language. If you have Spanish as your mother tongue, or a high school diploma in this language, then this course is not intended for you. 

This course is identical to the following courses:
OBF34A : Spanish 1 (No longer offered this academic year)


4 ects. Spanish 1 (B-ODISEE-OBF70a)

4 ECTSSpanishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment44 Second termSecond term
De Schryver Hilde |  Felix Vargas Edgar
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

This course is part of the multi-year learning path "Foreign Language". At the end of this learning path, you should obtain level A2 in Spanish (CEFR-Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). You need to follow the consecutive courses from this multi-year learning path, can't switch along the way.


The manual Emprendedores 1 (chap. 0-5)   addresses all the linguistic and cultural aspects of professional life through the world of work-related communication situations.

At the end of this course you will be able to talk about yourself, your work, your education, your family, the city where you live, etc.

You will be able to initiate a (telephone) conversation, write a short email, make a reservation for the restaurant, etc.

You will be able to explain the way to get somewhere, you can explain the timetable, you can give reasons and formulate goals, ...

You will obtain level A1 in reading, listening, writing and speaking of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Efforts are made from the start to use Spanish as much as possible, with English-language support where necessary. For their part, students are also strongly encouraged to express themselves in Spanish from the start, at their level and with the linguistic resources they have at that point.

Assignments - Supported home-study

Interaction, learning in interaction- Assignments - Feedback - Supported home-study

- educational conversation with active participation 

- short oral and written exercises during class

- grammar knowledge clips

- role-playing (show the way, telephone, make a reservation, order at the restaurant, etc)

- feedback on preparations made at home

- self-study of vocabulary

Learning a new langage requires self-tuition and discipline --> You are required to come to each class and to bring the handbook to class in order to actively participate in the teaching activity; You are expected to process the things you have learned weekly and practise as frequently as possible. You should regularly check the learning platform Toledo and your Odisee email for all necessary information (powerpointslides, exercises, extra material, dates of tests, etc.)

Some of the classes will take place on campus and some online according to the official timetable. 


Spanish 1 (B-ODISEE-O73894)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Skills test
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale


Written Exam : /35 ( chapters 0 - 5  of Emprendedores 1 and the material on Toledo : grammar, vocabulary and cultural and geographical facts about Spain);  It is a closed-book examination.

Oral exam : /15 (chapters 0-5 of Emprendedores 1 and the material on Toledo.: reading test with numbers, conversation on the topics from the chapters 0-5); some parts are without preparation time.

Permanent written and oral assessment : /30 (final listening comprehension test and several listening comprehension exercises during the semester + pronunciation practice with numbers + role plays + written test as midterm) 

Specific information about the assessments (type, date, requirements) on Toledo at the start of the course. Students should check once a week the learning platform Toledo for all necessary information (powerpointslides, exercises, extra information, key , dates of tests, etc).

For this course, you cannot use an explanatory dictionary during course tests and exams.

Basically the evaluation will be organised on campus . 

Learning a language is an ongoing process. Being actively involved and participate is key to grow and acquire communication skills. Attendance is hence required and compulsory.(= mandatory) You are not only expected to follow up what has been dealt with in class but also to learn by doing and put knowledge into practice. This is only possible when you attend classes on a steady, regular basis.



  • Absence Policy. What do you have to do when you are ill during assignments/tests/presentation or absent during an exam? Please apply the BBM-absence policy as published online at
  • Examination/test arrangements. For this course, you cannot use an explanatory dictionary during course tests and exams.
  • AI & document authenticity Policy “You need to submit authentic, original work for your course assignments, presentations and open book exams (no copy/paste from AI tools). The BBM-AI & authenticity policies are published online at Deviation from this policy is only possible if the course lecturer explicitly allows use of AI-tools via TOLEDO/Ultra announcement or in course material or assignment instructions”





Oral exam : /20 (some parts are without preparation time.) 

written exam : /60 ; It is a closed book exam;

Type: knowledge test – integrated test - 

If you have to take this course again in August or September, you start with a clean sheet (so continuous assessment is erased from the result). You will have to deal with all the material we have dealt with in class and work on assignments that are mentioned on Toledo in order to succeed for a written exam.Please note that the use of an explanatory or translation dictionary while taking an exam is not allowed.

More specific information on Toledo at the end of the course and on the day of the feedback for exams.

Basically the evaluations will be organised on campus.


ADDITIONAL COURSE EVALUATION GUIDELINES (as part of BBM-program policy): identical as in 1st exam opportunity