Visual Communication Skills (B-ODISEE-OBF63A)

3 ECTSEnglish32 Second termSecond term
Vandervaeren Tim (coordinator) |  Shoroye Elijah |  Vandervaeren Tim
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

The general admission requirements and compulsory sequencing are described in the education and examination regulations.

This course unit is a non-tolerable course unit in the following study programme(s):


3 ects. Visual Communication Skills (B-ODISEE-OBF63a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment32 Second termSecond term
Shoroye Elijah |  Vandervaeren Tim
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

Within this module, students study the essential skills needed within the professional marketing and communication field.

The skills students learn are situated within the following themes, but may vary according to the rapid developments in the digital marketing landscape:

  • Knowing, recognising and being able to apply basic principles of good visual communication.
  • Create compositions according to the rules of good graphic design for different platforms, disciplines, and purposes.
  • Recognise strategic choices visually and be able to work them out yourself.
  • Work with, apply and adapt Brand style guides.

A definitive overview of the various lessons, assignments or alternative activities with practical arrangements, dates and possible changes can always be found by the students on Toledo.

Feedback - Portfolio - Supported home-study

Interactive lectures with class assignments and exercises that show a clear link to the professional field.

  • Skills lab: students practise based on concrete cases
  • Learning discussions in which difficulties are corrected

Attendance and active participation during classes are essential within this course unit with continuous assessment and are therefore a requirement for success. 


Visual Communication Skills (B-ODISEE-O73875)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Participation during contact hours, Portfolio
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

100% permanent evaluation. This consists of: 

  • Skill tests and individual assignments
  • Construction of a portfolio
  • Active participation during lessons 
  • No exam in the exam period 

To pass this subject:

  • Attendance in classes very important.
  • Submission of assignments a requirement. Assignments not submitted may result in an NA grade. Assignments and tests not completed due to legitimate absence must be made by an agreed deadline. The student is responsible for informing the teacher of the absence. In consultation, a new deadline is set. 
  • All guidelines (agreements - rules ...) about test times and/or submission of assignments are communicated via the Toledo. 


  • Absence Policy. What do you have to do when you are ill during assignments/tests/presentation or absent during an exam? Please apply the BBM-absence policy as published online at
  • Groupwork with "Peer grading": all evaluation activities that contain group work, will apply "peer grading" (captured via formalized process), to differentiate individual score vs. group average, based on collected peer feedback.
  • Assignment submission. All assignments will have to be submitted on Toledo / TurnItin. Emailed assignments will NOT be graded.
  • AI & document authenticity Policy: You need to submit authentic, original work for your course assignments, presentations and open book exams (a.o. no copy/paste from AI tools). The BBM-AI & authenticity policies are published online at Deviation from this policy is only possible if the course lecturer explicitly allows use of AI-tools via TOLEDO/Ultra announcement or in course material or assignment instructions.

The evaluation of the second examination opportunity differs from the first examination opportunity.

2nd examination chance consists of a Paper in which several assignments from the module return, possibly in a reworked form.


ADDITIONAL COURSE EVALUATION GUIDELINES (as part of BBM-program policy): identical as in 1st exam opportunity