Intermediate French 2 (B-ODISEE-OBF05A)

5 ECTSFrench42 Both termsBoth terms
Brosens Veerle (coordinator) |  Brosens Veerle
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

General admission requirements and prerequisites: check the education and examination regulations.

Specific requirement and prerequisites: Students need to have passed the French Intermediate 1 course in order to enroll for this course.


5 ects. Intermediate French 2 (B-ODISEE-OBF05a)

5 ECTSFrenchFormat: Lecture-assignment42 Both termsBoth terms
Brosens Veerle
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

This course builds on the Intermediate 1 course and addresses the linguistic and cultural aspects of professional life in the French-speaking world, through work-related communication situations. Emphasis will be on building students’ confidence in their French language skills. Acquisition of new grammar patterns, general and business vocabulary will take place in the context of activities such as role plays, discussions, reading, listening and writing tasks, both in groups and individually. However, self-study, especially grammar and vocabulary revision, is essential. At the end of this course the student will obtain level B1.2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The course will cover the following topics:


  • Choisir un hôtel
  • Réserver une chambre d'hôtel
  • Séjourner à l'hôtel
  • Adresser une réclamation


  • S'adapter aux traditions
  • Passer commande
  • Travailler dans la restauration
  • Faire des critiques


  • Répartir les tâches
  • Aménager l’espace de travail

Recherche d'emploi

  • Consulter les offres d'emploi
  • Expliquer ses motivations
  • Rédiger un CV
  • Passer un entretien d'embauche

The students should regularly check the learning platform Toledo and their Odisee email for all necessary information (extra material, slides, exercises, dates of tests and assignments, etc).

Learner-centered, interactive sessions, involving lots of exercises, hands-on spoken and written practice, both individually and in groups..

Frequent oral and written tests and assignments, such as role plays, short presentations and written correspondence.

To keep up with the pace of this course and satisfy the continuous assessment requirements, regular attendance and participation (in group work) is essential, as is regular revision (i.e. self-study).

If students miss a class, they are asked to catch up by checking the Toledo platform and their Odisee email, and come prepared to the next class.


Intermediate French 2 (B-ODISEE-O70181)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Learning material : None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale


Assessment is based on continuous assessment (70%) and an oral exam in June (30%).

Active participation in class and regular revision are absolutely essential to make progress and meet the requirements for this course. Continuous assessment will be based on both written and oral tests and assignments throughout the year.

The students should regularly check the learning platform Toledo and their Odisee email for all necessary information on the evaluation.




Students who fail will have an opportunity to take an exam in Exam Period 3-EP3 in August/September (100% course grade based on written and oral exam). Consult Toledo for further details.


ADDITIONAL COURSE EVALUATION GUIDELINES (as part of BBM-program policy): identical as in 1st exam opportunity