Behavioural biology 2 (B-ODISEE-OWA01X)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
5 ECTSDutch40 Both termsBoth terms
Sannen Adinda (coordinator) |  Sannen Adinda |  Vervaecke Hilde
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

The learning outcomes can be consulted here.

The student masters the different skills and objectives of Behavioural biology 1.


5 ects. Behavioural biology 2 (B-ODISEE-OWA02e)

5 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-assignment40 Both termsBoth terms
Sannen Adinda |  Vervaecke Hilde
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

We look at animal behaviour from a functional and phylogenetic/evolutionary approach (cfr. Tinbergen). Following topics will be discussed:

- part 1: communication, socioecology (group formation), sexual behaviour and mating systems (basics);

- part 2: the evolution of social behaviour, sexual competition, the concept of dominance and dominance styles, cognition research in animals;

- part 3: as a practical assignment, you will train an animal. 

The information presented here regarding the organization of classes and evaluation modalities may change at any time in response to the epidemiological reality. All changes will be communicated via Toledo, stating the correct information which should be applied (at all times).

Part 1 (semester 1) en part 2 (semester 2): lectures and coaching, both partly online. The schedule will be communicated on Toledo.

Part 3: training an animal is an annual assignment. The guidelines will be presented on Toledo.

Distance students learn by guided self-study and process the study material independently and through contacts with fellow students at a distance. During the monitoring sessions you have the opportunity to ask questions about the course. 



Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Evaluation of this course consists of the following components:

- part 1: on campus digital written exam during the first examination period (semester 1, January);

- part 2: on campus digital written exam during the second examination period (semester 2, June);

- part 3: online submission of the presentation of your annual assignment. The specifications of the assignment, submission modalities and deadlines will be given on Toledo.

The final score (100%) is calculated based on:

- part 1: your score on the exam in semester 1 counts for 40%

- part 2: your score on the exam in semester 2 counts for 40%

- part 3: your score on the annual assignment counts for 20%

Exceptions to the final score calculation:

- If not all evaluations are fulfilled, a quotation of NA (did not partake) will be given.

- A score of less than 7/20 on one of the partial evaluations can lead to an overall fail for this course, as stipulated in the Exam and Education regulations (OER). The final score then equals the lowest partial score.


EXAM: If there are multiple-choice or yes/no questions, correction for guessing is applied. If technical jargon is asked, it must be written correctly. 

Distance education: The exams are normally planned on weekday evenings.

In case of a second chance evaluation, the same format and conditions apply to each of the three evaluation component as during the first chance evaluation. If you have passed one or two evaluation components during the first chance evaluation, you only have to retake the evaluation component for which you failed. The scores of the evaluation components for which you already passed in the first evaluation are therefore retained during the resit.

Distance education: The exams are normally planned on weekday evenings.