Vegetable production (B-ODISEE-OWA01R)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
5 ECTSDutch40 Second termSecond term
Heremans Betty (coordinator) |  Heremans Betty
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

The learning outcomes for this course can be consulted here.

The general admission requirements and the order of enrolement are to be found in the education and examination regulations.


3 ects. Soil and Fertilisers (B-ODISEE-JLBWD4)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical25 Second termSecond term
Heremans Betty
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

In the course of soil and plant nutrition the soil is central and the importance of a healthy soil is demonstrated. The soil composition is also discussed: what is the mineral composition of a soil? Which organisms occur in the soil? What is the importance of soil organic matter? What is the effect of organic matter on the soil properties? The soil composition is also a parameter for water and air storage in the soil. Furthermore, the ABC of good fertilization and liming is explained. For this, it must be checked which nutrients are available in the soil and plant. A plant can only absorb nutrients if they are dissolved in water. Sustainable fertilization techniques and plant nutrition in the ecological cultivation method are also explained.

The information presented here regarding the organization of classes and evaluation modalities may change at any time in response to the epidemiological reality. All changes will be communicated via Toledo, stating the correct information which should be applied (at all times).

You can consult the compulsary course material here.

The course will be taught in Dutch.

Interactive formal lectures

On Toledo the student can find:

  • the Powerpoint-presentations that were presented in the lessons
  • a list with examination questions 

The study visits with compulsory participation start already in the second week of the academic year. Students who later register for this course and therefore miss one or more of these study visits, cannot pass this course (and best consult with the study counselor about whether or not to take the course).

Bachelor Degree students via Distance Education do not attend classes but study the subject matter individually and will be in contact with their fellow students (distance learning platforms). Student counselling sessions during the semester will allow you to ask questions about the theory.

2 ects. Arable crops (B-ODISEE-OWA02d)

2 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment15 Second termSecond term
Heremans Betty
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

Agriculture provides our daily bread, but also has a strong influence on our landscape, nature and environmental quality. Agriculture and nature regularly compete for their territory. The demand for sufficient agricultural land is increasing as the population grows. At the same time, society sets goals for nature development and sustainable agriculture. Can agricultural goals and nature goals go together? Biodiversity and soil management play a central role in this. Agricultural nature management, broad crop rotation, circular agriculture are part of nature-inclusive agriculture.

Plant breeding also provides a basis for sustainable agriculture. In this part insight is given into the classical and modern breeding techniques.

In the arable crops section you gain insight into the cultivation techniques of grains, beets, potatoes and energy crops. You also get an overview of the yields and costs of the sector. Plant production will have to adapt to the changing climate in the future. That is why new crops and drought-tolerant varieties and species are explained. Seeds of a number of arable crops must be identified.

The information presented here regarding the organization of classes and evaluation modalities may change at any time in response to the epidemiological reality. All changes will be communicated via Toledo, stating the correct information which should be applied (at all times).

You can consult the compulsary course material here.

Interactive formal lectures

On Toledo the student can find:

- the Powerpoint-presentations that were presented in the lessons

The study visits with compulsory participation (also mandatory for distance learning students) start already in the second week of the academic year. Students who later register for this course and therefore miss one or more of these study visits, cannot pass this course (and best consult with the study counselor about whether or not to take the course).

Bachelor Degree students via Distance Education do not attend classes but study the subject matter individually and will be in contact with their fellow students (distance learning platforms). Student counselling sessions during the semester will allow you to ask questions about the theory.



Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Practical exam, Presentation
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : Calculator, None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale
JLBWD4 - Soil and Fertilisers1-20/20 scale
OWA02d - Arable crops1-20/20 scale

The assignments and submission modalities and deadlines for the assignments are made available via Toledo.

If not all assignments are submitted on time, the student can not pass.

The calculation of the final grade is to be found on Toledo.

A digital exam is taken for the two parts. Issue assignments are also included in the exam bodem en bemesting.

The end point for the evaluation of this course is then based on the final point of the permanent evaluation (assignments) and the digital exams, if this is equal to or higher than 8/20.

Students provides his/her own laptop.


HAO students: the digital exams can be taken at 9 a.m. or at 6 p.m..


This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

  • JLBWD4 - Soil and Fertilisers (during and beyond academic year)
  • OWA02d - Arable crops (during and beyond academic year)

A resit is possible for all components (assignments and digital exams) of this course if the score is less than 50 %.