Exploratory internship in Flanders (B-ODISEE-OWA01I)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
10 ECTSDutchSecond termSecond term
Sabbe Caroline (coordinator) |  Peeters Els |  Sabbe Caroline
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

Learning outcomes for this course can be consulted here.

A. Previously required courses

The general admission requirements and the order of enrolment are to be found in the education and examination regulations.

B. Required competences

The student masters the skills as taught on a secondary education level.

This course unit is a non-tolerable course unit in the following study programme(s):


10 ects. Exploratory internship in Flanders (B-ODISEE-OWA01o)

10 ECTSDutchFormat: InternshipSecond termSecond term
Peeters Els |  Sabbe Caroline
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

  • Preparation and administration before
  • Internship activities during 6 weeks (30 days)
  • Conversion of the competences to the own internship goals
  • Self evaluations 
  • Internship diary

The content can change due to more severe Corona measures. More info on Toledo, if necessary.

Course material and information can be consulted here

Available on Toledo :

  • extensive training brochure
  • extra information and requirements

The course is taught in dutch.

Internships may be (possible) performed in orther languages; the related documents are in Dutch. Exceptions only in consultation with the s-team.

Self activation of the student, with regulary guidance and evaluation by the mentor (of the company) and the coaching lector (of school) during the internship.

The same principle for the distance education student.

The working principle can change, due to more severe Corona measures. More info on Toledo, if necessary.



Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer, Reference work

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

  • The student is evaluated for the different parts, on a different way.
  • The endresult of this OPO is calculated cfr. described in the internship brochure. 
  • if one part of the internship is not fulfilled, you get a NA as endpoint
  • if you don't respect the deadlines of the different tasks, there are sanctions defined
  • all extra information is available in the training brochure or on Toledo
  • The same requirements are defined for the distance education student.
  • The evaluation and endpoint calculation can change due to more severe Corona measures. More info on Toledo, if necessary.

Normally the same conditions as in the 1st exam chance, unless in another way defined by the coordinator, the mentor and the student.

The evaluation points of the internship activities are transferred as such to the 2nd examination chance.

The 2nd change evaluation and endpoint calculation can change due to more severe Corona measures. More info on Toledo, if necessary.