Forest and Nature Technics (B-ODISEE-OWA00Z)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch20 Both termsBoth terms
Meeus Steven (coordinator) |  Meeus Steven |  de Kort Laura
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

The learning outcomes for this course can be consulted here.

No specific prerequisites are needed for this course. Students must be able to work with machinery and tools.


3 ects. Forest and Nature Technics (B-ODISEE-OWA01d)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical-assignment20 Both termsBoth terms
Meeus Steven |  de Kort Laura
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

Equipment and technology for nature conservation and forest management. 

Course material will be provided on Toledo.

Practical sessions and guest lectures. 

Attendance is obligatory, also for distance education students. 



Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Project/Product, Skills test

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTALPass / Fail

At the start of the course, the evaluation methods will be discussed and documented in Toledo. 

There is no possibility to retake the evaluation.