Themed days Animal Care 1 (B-ODISEE-OWA00D)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutchBoth termsBoth terms
Sannen Adinda (coordinator) |  Sannen Adinda |  Van Impe Isabelle
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

The learning outcomes for this course can be consulted using this link.  

A. Previously required courses    

The general admission requirements and enrolment rules are described in the general exam reglementation.

B. Required competences    

The student masters the different skills and objectives of a secondary education degree.


3 ects. Themed days Animal Care 1 (B-ODISEE-OWA00e)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignmentBoth termsBoth terms
Sannen Adinda |  Van Impe Isabelle
Kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie St-Niklaas

The information presented here regarding the organization of classes and evaluation modalities may change at any time in response to the epidemiological reality. All changes will be communicated via Toledo, stating the correct information which should be applied (at all times).

Application of the most important subjects of the specialisation courses through excursions, practical exercises, interactive lectures and/or digital variants.

The program will be available on Toledo.

Part A:

Excursions, practical exercises, interactive lectures, and/or digital alternatives related to activities within the future workfield.

CAM: Attendance is mandatory for each activity. 

HAO (distance education): Attendance is recommanded but not mandatory. In case of absence, the student is required to complete a corresponding assignment (refer to Toledo for assignments' details).

Part B: 

Assignment involves three days of assisting different professionals or participating in alternative activities (e.g., symposia) within the field of animal care. The specific content and timing can be chosen. This is followed by an online group discussion in May. The complete assignment description and information about the group discussion will be provided on Toledo. 

CAM and HAO: Attendance is mandatory for all activities in Part B .



Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Report, Participation during contact hours

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTALPass / Fail

Co-operation during the activities (Part A and group discussion of Part B) and a report of the three days in Part B will be evaluated using the pass/fail system. Similarly, assignments (if applicable) will also be evaluated using the pass/fail system. To pass the course, a 'pass' is required on each activity in both Part A and Part B. 

CAM: Attendence to all activities in Part A and Part B is mandatory. 

HAO (distance education): Attendance to the activities in Part A is strongly recommanded but not mandatory. If a student is absent for any activities in Part A, an assignment is required. Attendence to all activities in Part B is mandatory. 

In case of a legitimate absence, the student will be required to complete assignment(s). Details regarding the assignments' content and deadlines will be provided on Toledo. In case of non-legitimate absence for one or more activities, the student cannot pass this course.

PART A: The second exam period consists of assignments (see Toledo).

PART B: Students adjust (complete) the (missing) days and write a reflective report.