You can consult the learning outcomes of this course by following this link or consult the text below.
Opleidingsspecifieke leerresultaten
9. Communiceert correct en duidelijk over vakgebonden onderwerpen, intern en extern, met zowel een breed als een gespecialiseerd publiek.
13. Past zijn brede kennis en vaardigheden op een multidisciplinaire manier toe in de agro- en biotechnologische sectoren.
9.2 De bachelor AB kan het taalgebruik en de structuur van een document aanpassen aan het doelpubliek (1). 1.0 Basis
9.3 De bachelor AB kan technisch en wetenschappelijk werk schriftelijk rapporteren aangepast aan het niveau van het doelpubliek (23). 2.0 Doorgroei
13.1 De bachelor AB kan vanuit een brede basiskennis (1) vakoverschrijdende informatie samenbrengen (2) om een probleem op te lossen (3). 1.0 Basis
Previous knowledge
A. Previously required courses
The general admission requirements and the order of enrolment are to be found in the education and examination regulations.
B. Required competences
The student masters the skills as taught on a secondary education level.
Is included in these courses of study
2 ects. Word Processing (B-ODISEE-OWA00c)
Microsoft PowerPoint: basic presentation making skills
Microsoft Word: a.o. font layout, paragraph layout, styles, section layout, foot and end notes, header/footer, tables, cross-reference, templates, columns, graphic objects, table of content, lists, indexes, building blocks, fields, formulas, forms with controls, mailmerge, track changes, reference-tool, bibliography
Reference managing software: collecting scientific resources, integration in Word for in-text references and bibliography
Content related to the student introduction trajectory.
Language of instruction: more information
This course is given in Dutch. Extra study materials can be offered in other languages such as English.
Format: more information
Assignments - Digital learning - Feedback - Supported home-study
The OPO ICT Skills, OLA Word Processing, is taught entirely digitally in the form of adaptive learning paths: the student must first complete a task, pass a test, or view content to gain access to the next parts of the study material and assignments. In this way, the student can go through the study material at their own pace and convenience, taking into account the deadlines for assignments and, in any case, before July 10th.
The textbook forms the basis of the study material. Where relevant, knowledge clips & demonstrations, exercises, and other supplementary teaching materials are also provided. Odisee uses and supports the Microsoft Windows operating system. Other operating systems may be used, but no support can be provided for them.
The tests integrated into the adaptive learning path do not contribute to the final result of the OPO. The tests serve:
• to check if the subject matter is sufficiently understood to proceed to the next lesson;
• to allow processing and practicing the study material in different ways;
• as 'assessment for learning' (formative evaluation).
All questions in a test must be answered correctly to gain access to the next parts of the study material and assignments. The number of attempts per test may be limited. If the attempts are used up and not all questions are answered correctly, the student must schedule an appointment for a (digital) consultation with the lecturer. During the appointment, additional coaching and explanations are provided, tailored to the student's needs. The student will either be given a new attempt for the test or immediate access to the next lesson. More information can be found in the course guide on Toledo.
Students can also freely use the digital consultations, independently from the adaptive learning path, to ask questions about the theory to be acquired, seek help with exercises, and request feedback on assignments.
2 ects. Spreadsheets (B-ODISEE-OWA00d)
Microsoft Excel: basic editing, formulas, addresses, validation, layout, charts (technique, annotated choice of source data and charts type), connections, matrix formulas, functions, lists, tables, turning tables
Language of instruction: more information
This course is given in Dutch. Extra study materials can be offered in other languages such as English.
Format: more information
Assignments - Digital learning - Feedback - Supported home-study
The OPO ICT Skills, OLA Spreadsheets, is entirely taught digitally in the form of an adaptive learning path.
The study material is presented through nine lessons that students can go through at their own pace and convenience, taking into account the deadlines for assignments and, in any case, before July 10th. The textbook forms the basis of the lessons. Where relevant, knowledge clips & demonstrations, exercises, and other supplementary teaching materials are also provided. Odisee uses and supports the Microsoft Windows operating system. Other operating systems may be used, but no support can be provided for them.
After each lesson, a test is provided. The student can also take the test before going through the study material to determine, based on the results, whether and which part of the study material still needs to be covered. The tests do not contribute to the final result of the OPO. The tests serve:
• to check if the subject matter is sufficiently understood to proceed to the next lesson;
• to allow processing and practicing the study material in different ways;
• as 'assessment for learning' (formative evaluation).
All questions in a test must be answered correctly to gain access to the next lesson and assignments. A student has two attempts per test. If the two attempts are used and not all questions are answered correctly, the student must schedule an appointment for a (digital) consultation with the lecturer. During the appointment, additional coaching and explanations are provided, tailored to the student's needs. The student will either be given a new attempt for the test or immediate access to the next lesson. More information can be found in the course guide on Toledo.
Students can also use the digital consultations, independently from the adaptive learning path, to ask questions about the theory to be acquired, seek help with exercises, and request feedback on assignments.
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | Pass / Fail |
OWA00c - Word Processing | Pass / Fail |
OWA00d - Spreadsheets | Pass / Fail |
The course “ICT Skills” (OPO) consists of two parts: “OLA Text Processing” and “OLA Spreadsheets.” To pass the OPO, students must pass both parts.
Evaluation is based on assignments; there are no exams. Assignments are scored based on points. The final scores for both OLAs and the overall OPO grade are determined as follows:
- Passed: G
- Not passed: NG
- Not attempted: NA (if all assignments are not submitted on time)
Evaluation methodology:
Assignment instructions, submission modalities, and deadlines are communicated via Toledo. All assignments must be submitted on time according to the specified modalities. If an assignment is not submitted, submitted late, or not as requested, the OLA (and consequently the OPO) is marked as “not attempted” (NA).
Students must complete the entire adaptive learning path for an OLA to access all assignments. This must be done by July 10.
Points for each assignment are made available on Toledo after the official announcement of the total score for an OLA.
Each assignment contributes to the final OLA score as displayed on Toledo. The final score must be at least 10/20 to pass the OLA. However, if a grade of 7/20 or lower is obtained on any assignment within an OLA, the result for that OLA is “not passed” (NG).
Second examination opportunity:
- The grades for assignments in which at least 10/20 was obtained on the first submission will be retained within the same academic year. Only the assignments for which less than 10/20 was achieved need to be resubmitted.
- The instructions for the assignments will be retained for the second examination opportunity. Only the peer feedback for the PowerPoint presentations will be excluded.
- To gain access to all assignments, the student must have completed the full adaptive learning path of an OLA by July 10th. During the summer break, no coaching will be available, which puts the student at risk of getting stuck in the adaptive learning path and therefore not being able to access the assignments and submission modules. Students who have not completed the entire learning path by July 10th do not have a guaranteed opportunity for resubmission.
Information about retaking exams
This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:
- OWA00c - Word Processing (during and beyond academic year)
- OWA00d - Spreadsheets (during and beyond academic year)
Second examination opportunity:
- The grades for assignments in which at least 10/20 was obtained on the first submission will be retained within the same academic year. Only the assignments for which less than 10/20 was achieved need to be resubmitted.
- The instructions for the assignments will be retained for the second examination opportunity. Only the peer feedback for the PowerPoint presentations will be excluded.
- To gain access to all assignments, the student must have completed the full adaptive learning path of an OLA by July 10th. During the summer break, no coaching will be available, which puts the student at risk of getting stuck in the adaptive learning path and therefore not being able to access the assignments and submission modules. Students who have not completed the entire learning path by July 10th do not have a guaranteed opportunity for resubmission.