Botany (B-ODISEE-OWA00A)

Learning outcomes for this course can be consulted here.
Previous knowledge
Students are expected to have acquired the competences of a secondary school level.
Is included in these courses of study
4 ects. Botany (B-ODISEE-OWA00a)

- Plants in the ecosystem
- Systematics
- Algae
- Lower plants
- Seedplants
- Cytology
- Anatomy
- Morphology
- Physiology
- Procreation
Course material
Course materials can be consulted here.
Language of instruction: more information
Course is taught in Dutch.
Format: more information
Assignments - Supported home-study
The lessons are lectures which can be considered as a contact moment where questions can be asked, study tips are given, and a look back and look ahead are provided. The look back moment consists of a short assignment, the look ahead moment is an introduction to the next chapter.
Spoken PowerPoint presentations are available for each chapter.
For HAO: the same method, however, no contact moment is provided. During the monitoring sessions, the student has the opportunity to ask questions about the theory to be acquired.
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
There are assignements provides who serve as a permanent evaluation. The final final grade is calculated on the basis of 25% permanent evaluation and 75% of the exam evaluation. Failure to submit an assignment results in a zero score in the permanent evaluation.
Failing at the first exam first results in a final score that only consists of the exam evaluation. The permanent evaluation is not included in this. After taking the exam in second session, the permanent evaluation is included in the final score.
The CAM-students have an exam during the day
The HAO-students choose if they make an exam during the day or an exam in the evening on the same day.
The information presented here regarding the organization of classes and evaluation modalities may change at any time. All changes will be communicated via Toledo, stating the correct information which should be applied (at all times).