Sustainability in Agriculture (B-ODISEE-OI3062)
The objectives of this course are available here
Previous knowledge
A. Previously required courses
The general admission requirements and the order of enrolment are to be found in the education and examination regulations.
B. Required competences
The student masters the knowledgde and skills on secondary education level.
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Sustainability in agriculture (B-ODISEE-OI5077)
Sustainablility is currently a frequently used concept. During this course, external speakers from several agriculture related organizations will propose their vision on sustainability in agriculture.
A herd visist will be organised + students will be asked to attent selected workshops / conferences. THe thema's and speakers / visisted herds may vary every year.
Course material
The required studymaterial for this course are available here.
Format: more information
Colleges: the lessons will be given by external speakers from several agriculture related organisations. Per lesson, students will receive 2 tasks; one to prepare themselves for the lesson and the second one to summarize the information gathered through the lessons. Students will be evaluated for their interactions during the lessons. The powerpoint handouts will be made available via TOLEDO.
Assignment: students will be asked to work-out an extended assignment in which the student applies sustainability principles on a self-chosen agricultural herd. He also motivates his choices. This assignment will be uploaded in TOLEDO and orally presented to the responsible teacher and college students. Details about this assignment will be made available via TOLEDO.
Distance education students do preferably participate in the lessons, but are not obliged. The presentations will be digitalised and made availeble via the Toledo environment. Students whio are not able to actively attent the lessons, have to watch the digital version and have to make an abstract per lesson which should summarize the core of each lesson. In addition, some comments and questions need to be formulated per lesson. More details over this additional assignment will be made available via TOLEDO.
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
There is no exam for this course. Credits can be achieved through preparation of the several lessons and active participation during the lessons. In total, the student can earn 14 out of 20 points for this part. In addition, each student needs to make an assignment and credits can be gathered on the text part as well as on the oral presentation. Students can earn 6 out of 20 points for this assignment. More details on the assignment will be given through Toledo.
Distance education students preferably participate in the lessons. If this is not possible, they make an abstract per lesson in which the susceptibility focus of each lesson will be made clear. In addition, some comments and questions need to be formulated per lesson. Distance education students also need to make the same assignment as the CAM students and make an oral presentation via a digital platform. More details on this additional assignment will be made available via TOLEDO.
Information about retaking exams
Participation during the lessons is only possible during the first exam chance. Lessons will not be repeated. Students who do not pass during the first exam chance, may ameliorate their assignment and give a new oral presentation. In addition, they may make an extra assignment, in analogy with distance education students (make a summary of each lecture and write down the essence of the guest speaker’s vision on sustainability). More details on this extra assignment will be offered through Toledo.
For distance education students, the same second chance opportunities are offered as for CAM-students.