Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (B-ODISEE-OI3060)

The learning outcomes for this course can be consulted here.
Previous knowledge
In theory no prerequisite knowledge is demanded, but basic skills in informatics, maths and geography will make things much easier for the student taking this course.
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (B-ODISEE-OI5075)

- Remote Sensing, earth observation, geodesy and other sources of geographical data.
- Coordinate systems and projections.
- Basic aspects of geographical information: raster, vector, metadata.
- Working with geographical data:
- Attribute tables and classifications
- Data combinations (intersects, unions,...)
- Queries and reports
- Analysis using GIS
- Spatial analysis
- Buffers
- CAD and Sketchup
Course material
The list with course material can be consulted here.
Language of instruction: more information
Course can be followed in English: presentations, tutorials, documentation and assignments are in English. Coaching during sessions can be provided in English. Some screencasts are in Dutch.
Format: more information
Theory is provided thru screencast and tutorials online (as preparation).
Students are welcome on practical or coaching sessions ("live" or digital), during which they can work on the assignments and coaching or assistance is provided.
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | Pass / Fail |
Permanent evaluation: students complete (chronological) assignments. Between the fourth and fifth assignment a theoretical test is provided: a student must pass this test in order to obtain access to the fifth assignment (but can redo the test as often as necessary). A student needs to pass all five assignments in order to pass the course.