E-Learning 2 (B-ODISEE-JPO0TX)
This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.

Kernteam Secundair Onderwijs St-Niklaas
Level descriptors
- Interpret / use knowledge and insights
- Apply skills in an isolated context / apply skills in an integrated context
- Apply standard procedures / flexibly use standard procedures
- Use in different contexts
- Demonstrating autonomy and cooperation when performing tasks
- Take responsibility for personal work / take responsibility for and stimulate collective results / share responsibility for collective results
Basic skills
- The teacher as monitor of learning and development
- The teacher as educator
- The teacher as expert
- The teacher as organiser
- The teacher as innovator, researcher
- Decisiveness
- Critical attitude
- Willingness to learn
- Organisational talent
- Team spirit
- Sense of responsibility
- Creative approach
- Flexibility
- Focus on correct language and communication
Specific aim
- Acquire didactic knowledge and skills related to the use of ICT and (new) media, in relation to the learning of pupils in secondary education
Is included in these courses of study
- Bachelor of Agro- and Biotechnology - daytime education (Sint-Niklaas) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Education: Secondary Education - daytime education (Sint-Niklaas) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Agro- and Biotechnology - distance learning (Sint-Niklaas) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Education: Secondary Education - distance learning (Sint-Niklaas) 180 ects.
- xxx 999 ects.
3 ects. E-Learning 2 (B-ODISEE-JLO0TX)
DutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment
First term
Van Hooste Daan | Van Lokeren Stijn | Van der Eedt Peter

Kernteam Secundair Onderwijs St-Niklaas
- Introduction e-learning
- WEB2.0
- Creating a webquest with Google Sites
- Creathing a learning path with eXe Learning
- Interactif boards
- Collaborative authoring
- Creating a presentation with Prezi
- Creating interactive exercises with Hot Potatoes
- Audio editing with Audacity
See JPO0TX 2-1 E-learning2
Course material
Obligatory educational tools
Course e-learning, Van Hooste D., Van Lokeren S.
Format: more information
Digital learning - Supported home-study - Workplace learning, dual learning
- Lecture
- Guided self study
- Groupwork
- Labs and practice
- Self study
- Workshop
Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
Pass mark
- 10/20
Breakdown of marks
- Permanent evaluation: 60%
- Personal assignments: 20%
- Assignment in group: 20%
Determination result
- 1/20: assignments not handed in on time
- GR: legally absent
- NA: absent
Tolerating fail marks
- For the cluster E-learning, only 3 out of 6 credits may be tolerated