Psychopedagogics 1 (B-ODISEE-JPO0SL)

General competences
PB - 01. Intellectual and cognitive capacities
PB - 02. Acquisition and processing of information
PB - 03. Critical reflection
PB - 04. Acting methodically and systematically in function of creative knowledge generation/development
PB - 05. Leadership
PB - 06. Communicative competency to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, both to specialists and non-specialists
PB - 07. Lifelong learning
B. Profession-oriented / General scientific competences
PB - 08. Capacity for teamwork
PB - 09. Capacity for problem solving : competency for independent determination of problems, analysis of complex problems in professional practice and development of useful solutions
PB - 10. Responsibility to society and professional field
C. Profession-specific competences
01. The teacher as monitor of learning and development
02. The teacher as educator
03. The teacher as expert
04. The teacher as organiser
05. The teacher as innovator, researcher
06. The teacher as a partner of parents / substitute parents
07. The teacher as a member of a schoolteam
08. The teacher as a partner of other organisations
09. The teacher as a member of the education community
10. The teacher as a participant in culture
A1 Decisiveness
A2 Relational orientation
A3 Critical attitude
A4 Willingness to learn
A5 Organisational talent
A6 Team spirit
A7 Sense of responsibility
A8 Flexibility
Focus on correct language and communication
D. Scientific competences
E. Typical learning outcomes
- The student understands and can explain the different schools of learning psychology.
- The student can insights from learning psychology translate into educational practice.
- The student understands the stages in the development of students.
- The student can insights from developmental psychology translate into educational practice.
Please see code of the course.
Previous knowledge
A. Previously required courses
B. Required competences
There is no specific prior knowledge required.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HBL40B : Psychopedagogics 1 (No longer offered this academic year)
HBS17G : Developmental psychology
HBD40B : Psychopedagogics 1 (No longer offered this academic year)
OO3067 : HDE Psychopedagogy 1.1 (No longer offered this academic year)
OO3002 : Psychopedagogy 1.2 (No longer offered this academic year)
OO3020 : HDE Psychopedagogy 1.2 (No longer offered this academic year)
OO3049 : Psycho-Educational Sciences 1 (No longer offered this academic year)
OO3053 : Psychopedagogy 1.1 (No longer offered this academic year)
HBK45B : Psycho-Educational Sciences 1 (No longer offered this academic year)
Is included in these courses of study
- Bachelor of Agro- and Biotechnology - daytime education (Sint-Niklaas) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Education: Secondary Education - daytime education (Sint-Niklaas) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Agro- and Biotechnology - distance learning (Sint-Niklaas) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Education: Secondary Education - distance learning (Sint-Niklaas) 180 ects.
3 ects. Pschychopedagogics 1 (B-ODISEE-JLO0SL)

Learning Psychology
- A description of learning.
- The role of the information processing system.
- The diversity of learning: cognitive and dynamic learning.
- The various types of cognitive learning
Developmental Psychology
- A general concept frame.
- The various personality domains (cognitive, psychomotor, affective
- The stages in the development
- Adolescence Psychology
Please see code of the course.
Course material
Please see code of the course.
Format: more information
Distance education: monitored self-study
You will take no lectures or practical courses, but you will receive the study material and you wille be in contact with your fellow students (distance learning platforms).
Student counselling will allow you to ask questions about the theory.
Psychopedagogics1 (B-ODISEE-JVO0SL)
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
Multiple choice
To succeed the student must pass learning psychology and developmental psychology.
0/20 indicates you were not present when the exam took place
A indicates you had an official reason to be absent and can take the exam at a later date in the second exam period
1/20 means you did not hand in assignments as requested.
In the course of the 6 semesters a maximum tolerance of 6 credits can be applied for the cluster of educational courses (36 credits).
Distance education: normally the exams take place on evenings during the week. You can consult Toledo for more information on the organisation.