Water Technology and Management (B-ODISEE-JPBWG3)

You can consult the objectives (= the core objectives) of this course here.
Previous knowledge
A. Previously required courses
The general admission requirements and the order of enrolment are to be found in the education and examination regulations.
B. Required competences
The student masters the skills as taught on a secondary education level.
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Water technology and management (B-ODISEE-JLBWG3)

This course is an optional course.
Content of this OPO :
- Introduction
- Water quality :
- different water quality parameters
- standards for water dependent of the application
- processes for optimalisation the quality
- Legislation and policy :
- Europe
- Flanders
- Watermanagement and transport :
- pumping stations and locks
- some selected waterpumps
- Winning and production of water :
- groundwater
- drinking water
- Water purification and recuperation :
- waste water and contamination
- sewerage - release of waste water
- characteristic parameters
- purification principles
- water recuperation
- with :
- 2 excursions (if possible) or replacement task
- 1 assignment on the 5 themes
- 2 of the 3 possibilities: obligatory to perform
- conform described on Toledo
Course material
You can consult the course material used for this educational activity here.
There is no course book for this OPO. You find all learnings on Toledo by presentations, extra information, task and assignment.
Format: more information
Digital learning - Supported home-study
- Lectures
- no classical lectures on campus
- all learnings digital available by spoken presentations or video courses on Toledo
- regularly digital consultation possible
- planning via calendar
- Excursions and tasks :
- conform the modalities available on Toledo
On Toledo, you can find :
- all learnings
- the planning calendar
- all information about the excursions, tasks, tests
Distance education :
- same working method as for the cam-student
- can use the digital consultation together with the cam-student
- can use the general consultation for HAO-students
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
The exam :
- is an oral exam, from home or on-campus (total 12 points)
- is a closed book exam
The task and assignment :
- each task or test : 4 points
- 2 are obligatory
- conform described on Toledo
The endpoint of this OPO is calculated as the sum of all evaluation parts, excluded :
- if one of the evaluation parts is not done, the endpoint of this OPO = NA
Distance Learning :
- The same evaluation principle and endpoint calculation as for the cam student
- The exam can be planned in the evening, in agreement with the docent
Information about retaking exams
The exam :
- same principle as for the 1st chance exam
The second examination session is only possible, if :
- an extremely insufficient point of the task and assignment (< 3.5/10) is replaced by redoing completely or parts conform individual appointment between the docent and the student
- in other cases : the point of the task is transferred to the 2nd examination
The same principle for the distance learning student.