Anorganic Chemistry (B-ODISEE-JPBWA3)

You can consult the learning outcomes for this course here.
Previous knowledge
A. Previously required courses
The general admission requirements and the order of enrolment are to be found in the education and examination regulations.
B. Required competences
The student masters the skills as taught on a secondary education level.
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Anorganic Chemistry (B-ODISEE-JLBWA3)

Conform the content of the book :
- Formation of material
- Models of atoms
- The Mendeljev Table
- Bonds between atoms
- Chemical count
- Velocity of reactions
- Chemical reactions : energy - entropy
- Chemical equilibrium
- Acids and bases
- Redoxreactions
Course material
You can consult the course material used for this course here.
Language of instruction: more information
The course is taught in Dutch.
Format: more information
Assignments - Digital learning
Following working methods :
- part preparation @home conform appointment - selfstudy
- part classical college on-campus, supplemented with classical exercises, applications, example (examen) questions, study tips, ...
- part exercises @home - selfstudy
- part monitoraat - digital (via Teams or other system) for individual questions or support
All working methods:
- follow the learnings of the study book
- supported by the digital learnings on Toledo (ppt's, videolessons, exercises, ...)
- the learnings are published on Toledo: in function of the learning path
- more details : see explanation on Toledo
The information presented here regarding the organization of classes may change at any time in response to the epidemiological reality. All changes will be communicated via Toledo, stating the correct information which should be applied (at all times).
Distance Education : monitored self study. Bachelor Degree students via Distance Education take no lectures or practical courses, but will receive the study material and study guide and will be in contact with their fellow students (distance learning platforms). The students can ask more explanation about the learnings in the general counselling services (possibly via digital working principle).
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
The exam :
- is written
- is a closed book exam
- is standard on-campus
- is in January, for EP1
- if there are multiple choice questions: there will be a guess correction
Distance education :
- same principle as for cam-student
- the on-campus exam is planned in the evening, at 18.00 o'clock.
The information presented here regarding the evaluation modalities may change at any time in response to the epidemiological reality. All changes will be communicated via Toledo, stating the correct information which should be applied (at all times).
Information about retaking exams
2nd chance exam :
same principle as for the 1st chance exam, as well for cam- as for distance education student.