Personality Psychology (B-ODISEE-HBG38A)
This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.

Kernteam Gezinswetenschappen (BA)
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Personality psychology (B-ODISEE-HBG38a)
The course provides insight into personality psychology, and how the person is viewed in the social space. First, the different theoretical views are discussed. Afterwards, we look at how we view ourselves as a person, and how we perceive others as a person.
Course material
Compulsory study material: Capita selecta and slides (available via the digital learning platform).
Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice
Learning material : None
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
Multiple choice questions with guess correction. Four answer options, where only 1 answer is correct and may be filled in.
Information about retaking exams
Retake is similar as the first exam.