Innovation and the young entrepreneur (B-ODISEE-OH3144)

3 studiepuntenEngels27 urenTweede semesterTweede semester
Nowe Igor (coördinator) |  Goessens Wim |  Nowe Igor
Kernteam Business Management (BA)


  • Entrepreneurship is the driving force of prosperity and welfare: this course works to raise the awareness of these.
  • Each individual hides creativity: this course aims to activate the creativity of the individual student
  • This course focuses on the skills needed to successfully start your own business: thinking out of the box, analysing, planning in a structured way,  being able to anticipate

The focus is also on competencies that are needed to start up a business. The programme of covers all important aspects of launching a business from the initial idea to a business plan.

De algemene toelatingsvoorwaarden en de dwingende volgtijdelijkheid zijn beschreven in de onderwijs - en examenregeling.



3 sp. Innovation and the young entrepreneur (B-ODISEE-OH5144)

3 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: College-practicum-opdracht27 urenTweede semesterTweede semester
Goessens Wim |  Nowe Igor
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

  • Nature of entrepreneurship: generating new business ideas
  • From business idea to business opportunity and from business story to business plan
  • Entrepreneurship in the European and global context
  • Creativity: a key success factor for entrepreneurship
  • Seminars:  several entrepreneurs tell about their own business story
  • Opportunity identification
  • How to build a competitive advantage
  • Business strategy and SWOT analysis
  • Creating the new venture and a dynamic business plan
  • Marketing & sales plan: components of a successful business  plan
  • Entrepreneurial finance
  • How to draft a sound financial plan
  • Presenting and pitching your business story and negotiating your business plan

Raph Verbruggen,  Innovation and the young European entrepreneur part one and two, Brussels, 2018

  • Written course (available on theOdisee intranet)Werkvorm
  • Testimonials of several entrepreneurs
  • Literature review (from a pre-selection of books)
  • Papers and PP presentations
  • Interactive work sessions during the class
  • Visit abroad to an incubator, company of other organisation


Innovation and the young entrepreneur (B-ODISEE-OH7144)

Type : Partiële of permanente evaluatie met examen tijdens de examenperiode
Vraagvormen : Open vragen

TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal

Uitzonderlijk kan de examen-evaluatie van de cursus gewijzigd worden als gevolg van verdere handhaving van corona-maatregelen.

Deze gewijzigde evaluatie zal door de teacher tijdig en helder meegedeeld worden.

Business plan: 10/20

Answer to Open Question (from the guestspeaker): 4/20

Literature Review: 2/20

Punctual questions (oral exam/written prepararion): 4/20