Bachelor Thesis (B-ODISEE-OGI05A)
To be able to submit a bachelor's thesis, the student must have obtained all credits of the course units up to and including phase 2 of his main track.
This can be deviated from if the student can achieve a significant reduction in study duration as a result
The general admission requirements and mandatory sequence are described in the examination regulations.
Plaats in het onderwijsaanbod
- Bachelor in de elektronica-ICT - in dagonderwijs (Gent) (Afstudeerrichting elektronica) 180 sp.
Dit opleidingsonderdeel is niet tolereerbaar in de onderstaande opleiding(en):
6 sp. Bachelor Thesis (B-ODISEE-OGI05p)
A Bachelor's thesis is a final product in which several learning pathways are integrated. It contains the result and representation of a systematic search, based on the application of scientific knowledge, creativity and practical knowledge. It contributes to a theme that is relevant to the profession/field of work. An important degree of independence and self-management in the student are paramount.
In his Bachelor's thesis, the student works out a subject that is linked to the study program in accordance with the guidelines as stated in the Bachelor's thesis vademecum. This work will be submitted to an external jury. The student defends this work on the basis of a presentation, after which the jury can ask questions.
The student takes the search into his own hands in order to find a suitable Bachelor's thesis topic.
A Bachelor's thesis topic is formulated by a third party (e.g. internship company, association, the department, a research group, ..).
Ideally, the student can carry out a Bachelor's thesis subject on behalf of the internship company. In this way, a student can already start the preliminary research (to a limited extent) during the internship period.
Recommended learning material:
- Book S. Martens: Reporteren voor technicie
- Vademecum bachelor thesis
- Additional information on toledo
Toelichting onderwijstaal
The language of this part is usually Dutch, but can be english, depending on the specific business context in which the student operates
Toelichting werkvorm
It is very important that the bachelor's thesis reflects the competences of the student at a level 6.
To this end, the student is supervised by a supervisor (internal promoter) from the university.
He will therefore regularly have to present his progress to the supervisor.
The procedure for this can be found in the Bachelor's thesis vademecum.
Bachelor Thesis (B-ODISEE-O72711)
Examenmoment | Beoordelingsschaal |
TOTAAL | 1-20/20 puntenschaal |
The result for the OPO Bachelor's thesis is calculated as a combination of the following criteria
- 10% on the interim evaluation of the Bachelor's thesis document by the internal supervisor
- 40% on the evaluation by the jury of the final Bachelor's thesis document divided into:
- 10% by the external promotor from the factory
- 30% by the jury
- 50% on the presentation and defense before the jury
Spelling and language are part of these evaluations.
The use of gen-AI tools must be in accordance with the department guidelines.
The Bachelor's thesis assignment (research assignment) must be approved by the Bachelor's thesis coordinator (or internal supervisor), before the agreed deadline (see Bachelor's thesis vademecum), before the Bachelor's thesis can be started. If this is not the case, the score for this OPO will be NA.
Toelichting bij herkansen
Based on the recommendations of the jury, the internal supervisor determines which parts of the Bachelor's thesis must be retaken in examination period 3.
The student contacts his internal supervisor during the feedback period to obtain the parts to be reworked (or other actions/assignments).
During the closing period of the university college, no support from the internal supervisor can be expected.
The modalities for submitting and defending the bachelor's thesis before the jury are the same as for the first examination opportunity.