Real Estate Management (B-ODISEE-HBB80E)

3 studiepuntenEngels22 urenEerste semesterEerste semester
Zamora Michael (coördinator) |  Zamora Michael
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

De algemene toelatingsvoorwaarden en de dwingende volgtijdelijkheid zijn beschreven in de onderwijs- en examenregeling.


3 sp. Real Estate Management (B-ODISEE-HBB07f)

3 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: College-practicum-opdracht22 urenEerste semesterEerste semester
Zamora Michael
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

The course offers a broad introduction into the field of real estate in areas of: purpose for real estate investment, development of commercial & residential, type of real estate investors, real estate economics & finance, marketing, valuation, design concept and site selection.  The course will focus on holistic real estate development for commercial, residential and special use properties. It includes: the overall process, asset types, commercial vs corporate real estate, investor profiles, concept of highest & best use, risk assessment, market cycles, real estate market assessment (commercial & residential), standard financial valuation techniques (eg income approach, the market approach, the cost approach, and residual value approach), and financial analysis (eg investment yields, return on investment, leverage).  It will also touch upon: real estate technology, roles in the real estate field, and future views on real estate.  The intent is to enjoy learning about real estate.

Students will be able to download the course notes or keynote slides after each class.

Dit opleidingsonderdeel wordt in het Engels aangeboden omdat de afgestudeerden ongetwijfeld zullen terecht komen in een internationaal georiënteerde beroepsomgeving waar het Engels de gangbare voertaal is.

Lecture based course completed with case study work, and field study. Independent paper writing.
"ChatGPT or other AI tools can be used to support selected assignments, if approved upfront by the course lecturer.

When you use these, you are required to indicate this explicitly in your sources. If you do not do this, you risk a 0-score or material downgrade of your score.

You also demonstrate “critical thinking” capability when handling these tools, hence you use the outcome as a starting point, not to copy/paste into your work.

When the course lecturer explicitly mentions that you are not allowed to use AI tools in assignments, tests and/or exams and you do so anyway, you also risk to be sanctioned or fail, pending the severity of the infraction, on that assignments, tests and/or exams."


Real Estate Management (B-ODISEE-H72803)

Type : Examen buiten de normale examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Mondeling, Schriftelijk
Vraagvormen : Open vragen
Leermateriaal : Rekenmachine

TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal

The course grade is divided into 3 parts: group project, mid-term exam, and class participation.  In the group project (50% of the course grade), students will analyze a real-life property investment opportunity. This should include a feasibility analysis, a realistic business plan, an adequate marketing approach and an exit strategy. Students present their analysis written and orally at the end of the term.  The mid-term exam is a multiple choice test (40% of the course grade).  Class participation will be based upon asking students their thoughts about the subject being discussed throughout the course (10% of the course grade).

You are ill during assignments / tests / presentations? You can find all the information here. Students who are ill during assessments (oral tests, written tests or assignments), must meticulously adhere to the following procedure in order to be entitled to a catch-up moment:

The student must complete this form (with all the requested information) on the day of the assessment, BEFORE THE START of that assessment. The student must also email his/her doctor’s note on the same day to, mentioning class group, official name of the subject and name of the professor.
In case of the passing of a close relative, the situation will be followed up on an individual basis. The student will nevertheless have to complete the procedure mentioned above. 

Examination oral + written