Fieldpractice (B-ODISEE-OBW30A)

6 ECTSEnglishSecond termSecond term
De Meyst Dominique (coordinator) |  De Meyst Dominique
Kernteam Sociaal Werk (incl. BZL) (BA)

The student chooses between one of both options: social work component or education component:

Community internship: social work component:
1. You can describe the socio-agogic context in Brussels as a metropolis and explain it in your own words, including the challenges and diversity within the communities.
2. You can integrate the socio-cultural and societal factors in Brussels into your socio-agogic work.
3. You develop effective communication skills to interact with diverse individuals in Brussels, including clients, colleagues, and community members.
4. You co-operate with professionals within the socio-agogic sector in Brussels.
5. You explain in your own words the role of partnerships in promoting well-being and social justice in Brussels.
6. You use urban networks of formal and/or informal actors to enrich and/or support the development of children and youth in a socio-agogic context.
7. You develop reflective practice skills to critically analyze your own experiences and interactions during the shadow internship.
8. You apply feedback from practice supervisors and colleagues to promote your professional growth.
9. You build intercultural competencies by actively participating in Brussels society and socio-agogic activities.
10. You show respect for diversity and understand how cultural backgrounds influence socio-agogic practice.
11. You can critically analyze literature and research articles in the field of socio-agogic work and apply them to the metropolitan context.
12. You actively engage in community-oriented activities in Brussels and can articulate the value of service to society in your own words.
13. You can clearly and appropriately communicate critical reflections from community service learning to a diverse audience, such as students, professionals, etc.
14. You develop citizenship skills through active participation in the project and can explain in your own words how these contribute to social well-being and inclusion in Brussels.

Education component:
1. You compare the Flemish education structure with the educational context of other (European) countries, considering the perspectives of other students in this international classroom context.
2. You present your own education system and discuss at least two current developments.
3. You critically reflect on education, including didactics, school culture, upbringing and living together, dealing with parents/the community, language policy, and working towards 21st-century skills. You present your own vision, supported by literature, observations, and (semi-)structured conversations with education professionals.
4. You use pedagogical skills to communicate with students, considering language differences and cultural diversity.
5. You apply differentiated instructional methods to meet the various learning needs of students.
6. You develop learning experiences that fit the respective curriculum, learning objectives, and the care needs of the students.
7. You use didactic principles to meet the specific needs of students.
8. You apply targeted subject didactics as a designer of play/learning activities within the context of the (internship) practice.
9. You engage in appropriate dialogue with colleagues and other stakeholders in the educational process.
10. As an educator, you contribute to a positive learning and living climate at the school.
11. You use reflective practice skills to critically analyze your own teaching performance in the urban context.
12. You formulate recommendations and seek innovative approaches to promote educational learning processes during your internship and work them out.
13. You listen attentively to feedback and work purposefully with it, showing growth throughout the internship period.
14. You show respect and understanding for the diversity within the urban context and integrate this as an added value in your own teaching practice.
15. You master the content to be taught.
16. You submit assignments on time to the school mentor and adhere to agreements made.
17. You thoroughly and completely prepare lesson plans within the provided lesson template.
18. You communicate timely and correctly with internship supervisors and other actors.

To participate in this course, you must have obtained the credit for the final internship(s) of the second bachelor year (cluster education). For the social work cluster, you need to have acquired 60 credits from the first year.
General admission requirements and prerequisites: check the education and examination regulations.


6 ects. Fieldpractice (B-ODISEE-OBW30a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Work-based learningSecond termSecond term
De Meyst Dominique
Kernteam Sociaal Werk (incl. BZL) (BA)

Community internship: social work component:
This course delves into the practice of social-agogic work in an urban, multi-cultural and trans-national context. Leading up to a two week immersion in a social or socio-cultural organisation, the students will acquire the necessary background and techniques (reflection practices, story-telling, theoratical background on trans-nationalism, multi-culturalism...) not only to collaborate with the local partners during the immersion, but also to create a (digital) story/portfolio/presentation about their experience and learnings.

Education component:
During your internship in a school, you will have the chance to explore and experience various aspects of education. You start by observing lessons and getting to know the school culture. Gradually, you take on more responsibility by preparing and teaching lessons under the guidance of a mentor.

Study materials will be shared in Toledo Ultra (syllabus, texts, PPTs with notes)


Portfolio - Reflection

The student chooses between one of both options: social work component or education component:

  • The social work component: collective workshops and theoretical sessions about relevant topics and techniques, followed by a two week internship in a social or socio-cultural organization.
  • The education component: this traineeship course involves an internship (2 weeks) in education (kindergarten, primary, or secondary school). Prior to the internship, there will be content-specific workshops, and there is also an observation period in the traineeship school.


Fieldpractice (B-ODISEE-O73683)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Portfolio, Process evaluation
Type of questions : Open questions

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Social work component: individual or group presentation/(digital) story/portfolio (or other creative piece of work) about experiences and gathered stories during the internship, using the techniques, question guides and theoretical concepts provided at the beginning of the semester, followed by a group discussion between students in which they show a deepened understanding of and critical reflection on their experiences

Education component: traineeship: proces: competence and attitude evaluation by mentor/school + presentation of the reflection portfolio.

More details will be shared throught the Ultra Toledo platform.  

If you fail you can retake the exam under the same modalities as described in the first period. More information see Toledo. You will also receive more information from the responsible lecturers. You can tolerate the result if the conditions are supported by the examination regulations.