Human and children's rights (B-ODISEE-OBW27A)

6 ECTSEnglishSecond termSecond term
Vonck Marianne (coordinator) |  Vonck Marianne
Kernteam Sociaal Werk (incl. BZL) (BA)

1. You explain in your own words the international treaties and instruments related to human rights and children’s rights.
2. You identify and discuss – in cases and sources from current events – violations of human rights and children’s rights with specific attention to socio-cultural contexts.
3. You reflect on the development and implementation of actions aimed at promoting and protecting human rights and children’s rights at both individual and collective levels.
4. You explain the role of social policy and legislation in ensuring human rights and children’s rights.
5. You develop and substantiate your own interpretative framework: criticism of art and art as criticism of society and politics.
6. You are able to capture connections between and societal considerations about art and human rights in a creative presentation.

To participate in this course, you must have obtained the credit for the final internship(s) of the second bachelor year (cluster education). For the social work cluster, you need to have acquired 60 credits from the first year.
General admission requirements and prerequisites: check the education and examination regulations.


6 ects. Human and children's rights (B-ODISEE-OBW27a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignmentSecond termSecond term
Vonck Marianne
Kernteam Sociaal Werk (incl. BZL) (BA)

This course explores formal (legal) frameworks for human and children's rights, applied through current topics and in particular detention. The course furthermore bridges the gap between education and social work and explores the inter-relationship between human rights and art.

Study materials will be shared in Toledo Ultra (syllabus, texts, PPTs with notes)


The course will consist of lectures, exercises and dialogue (translating theory into practice), and some excursions. All information will be shared in Toledo Ultra.


Human and children's rights (B-ODISEE-O73680)

Type : Exam outside of the normal examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Presentation + written exam (open and closed questions and/or multiple choice)

  • 50% written examen
  • 50% presentation, joining the content of the different parts of the course.

More details will be shared throught the Ultra Toledo platform.  

If you fail you can retake the exam under the same modalities as described in the first period. More information see Toledo. You will also receive more information from the responsible lecturers. You can tolerate the result if the conditions are supported by the examination regulations.