Ready to start your own business (B-ODISEE-OBB33A)

3 ECTSEnglish27 First termFirst term
Nowe Igor (coordinator) |  Nowe Igor
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

- Entrepreneurship is the driving force of prosperity and welfare: this course works to raise the awareness of these.
- Each individual hides creativity: this course aims to activate the creativity of the individual student
- This course focuses on the skills needed to successfully start your own business: thinking out of the box, analysing, planning in a structured way,  being able to anticipate

The focus is also on competencies that are needed to start up a business. The programme of covers all important aspects of launching a business from the initial idea to a business plan.

General admission requirements and prerequisites: check the education and examination regulations


3 ects. Ready to start your own business (B-ODISEE-OBB33a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical27 First termFirst term
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

In this course, we're going to experience the journey you will take as an "entrepreneur" or "start-up" to create your own business. We will use certain models to instigate "a business idea", finetune it with the necessary information to frame it into the market, challenge this with your own experience and others and prepare it for a possible launch ...
This course is for students who are having a "concrete" business idea in mind and they would like to start it up. This course will help you to build up a first draft of business plan, that will be presented to a jury.

In general, we will use the following structure:

A) Dream

- Nature of entrepreneurship: generating new business ideas / Opportunity identification
- From business idea to business opportunity and from business story to business plan 
- Business Canvas Model

B) Create:

- Business strategy and SWOT analysis (customers, trends, motivation/confidence...)
- How to build a competitive advantage
- Possible Partners

--> building up a first business plan

C) Do:

- Presenting and pitching your business plan

For this course, we will work together with VLAJO and its external partners.

Course material (presentations, online materials, recommended articles, ...) will be provided on Toledo

There might be a cost of 15 Eur per student for working together with an external partner or guest lecturers. More information will follow at the beginning of the academic year.



Ready to start your own business (B-ODISEE-O71340)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Reference work

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale


Evaluation Methods:
- oral exam
- paper & presentation
- peer assessment

Question methods:
-  open questions


1st exam period

There are 40 points in total:
  - 20 points: written Business plan 
        - 10 points for written document (group)
        - 10 points for presentation (group)
  ---> both parts are "weighed" by their "individual" vs the "group" score (positive or negative factor) coming from the peer evaluation (individual)
  - 20 points: oral exam with open questions about theory and/or the business case (individual)



Evaluation Methods:
- oral exam
- paper

Question methods:
-  open questions


Retake exam period

There are 40 points in total:
  - 20 points: written Business plan  (individual)
  - 20 points: oral exam with open questions about theory or the business case (individual)

- What do you have to do when you are ill during assignments/tests/presentation or absent during an exam? Please apply the BBM-absence policy as published online at (for students of BM) and at (for students of BBM)

- You need to submit authentic, original work for your course assignments, presentations and open book exams (no copy/paste from AI tools). The BBM-AI & authenticity policies are published online at Deviation from this policy is only possible if the course lecturer explicitly allows use of AI-tools via TOLEDO announcement or in course material or assignment instructions

- This course has an online, on campus exam where the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)-policy fully applies. The BYOD-policy is published online at

- For this course, you cannot use an explanatory dictionary during course tests and exams