Human resources management (B-ODISEE-HBB63A)

3 ECTSEnglish22 First termFirst term
Henssen Bart (coordinator) |  Henssen Bart
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

The conditions for admission to the course and the prerequisites can be found in the course and exam arrangements document.


3 ects. Human resources management (B-ODISEE-HBB63a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment22 First termFirst term
Henssen Bart
Kernteam Business Management (BA)

This course provides the student with insights in Human Resources Management.

The student acquires insight in: Strategic Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Job Analysis and Job Design, Recruitment and Selection, Competency Management and Talent Management, Human Resource Development (personal, career, organisation and leadership) and capita selecta.

The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to practical cases, and will be able to reflect on HRM practice and HRM challenges.

The course HRM includes following topics:

- introduction to Strategic HRM

- human resource planning

- jobanalysis and job design

- recruitment and selection

- competency management and talent management

- human resource development

- capita selecta: leadership, managing change, employee motivation, sustainable HRM

Lectures, group discussions, cases, paper.

Due toe Covid-19 regulations, courses can be given (partly) on campus or online.


Human resources management (B-ODISEE-H70056)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

This information may be updated due to COVID19 implications

1st exam period
Given grade on a total of 60 points
Students are evaluated on a permanent basis.
Group score: 12 points
Individual score of the final report: 30 points
Presentation: 15 points
Cooperation during the sessions: 3 points

Students make a written report in which they formulate some elements of advice for HR management and HR policy of the organization. Students are divided into groups of 4 or 5. Each student writes a paper of +-5 pages, which clearly states his/her name. The summation of the individual papers constitutes the report of the group. This report is being presented during the final session. It will be assessed by myself and by colleague students.
2 dates are important:
- The date of assignment of the subject of the report, inclusive of the group arrangement, the interview guide, and the name of the company to be interviewed: October 5th;
- The date of presentation: During the final session
- Handing in the final report: December 12th. Feedback from the presentation can be incorporated in the final report.
Attendance to the sessions is mandatory. Students who are absent for more than 20% of  the time without a valid reason, will receive no evaluation (i.e., their score will be zero). 

What to do when

1) you are absent for tasks / tests / presentations? You can find the link here:

Abscence or illness for tasks / tests / presentations should be notified the day before the evaluation and before the hour the test or task takes place, via The student should fill out the required information (name, classgroup, official name of the OPO, name of the professor). Registration can be done through computer or smartphone. 

The same day you should also mail your doctor's note to and mention your classgroup, official name of the OPO, and the name of the professor. 

2) you are absent for an exam:

Notification of absence or illness for an exam should always take place BEFORE the start of exam through the ticketing system:

When you encouter problems or wish to file a compaint, please use this e-mail:


This information may be updated due to COVID19 implications

The modalities of the second exam period are similar to those of the first exam period, except the grading.

The grading of the second exam period is as follows: 15 points for the presentation, 45 points for the individual written report.

The deadline of the report is August 15th, 2023. Contrary to the first exam period the report is an individual report.