This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2024.

Practical Research 1 (B-ODISEE-JPO0SI)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch21 Second termSecond term
Decroos Liesbet (coordinator) |  Audenaert Steven |  Decroos Liesbet
Kernteam Secundair Onderwijs St-Niklaas

A. Level descriptors
Applying and interpreting knowledge and insights.
Applying integrated skills
Applying standard procedures
Changing contexts
With some autonomy in collaboration with others
Taking responsibility for own work and stimulating collective results and shared responsibility for collective outcomes

B. Specific objectives
1. Indicate the skills of  an 'ideal teacher'
 2. Give a description of the teacher Skills
 3. Describe The development of the core attitudes
 4. Describe the basic attitudes of acquiring Rogers
 5. Describe the importance of first impressions 
 6. Indicate all aspects of body language 
 7. Handle body language in the right way  within an educational context.
 8. Explain the axioms of Watzlawick in their own words 
 9. Indicate in their own words the stumbling blocks in communication 
 10.Carry out an  observation systematically
 11.Describe the interpreation faults the observing person can make during an observation
 12. Describe all aspects of active listening during a call handling
 13. Handle all rules during a feedback session: the rules for giving and receiving feedback
 14. Explain the Johari window in their own words 
 15. Explain the theory of territorium ofBakker and Bakker 
 16. Indicate in their own words the meaning of a group 
 17. Desribe the basic needs of one's group
 18. Explain in own words the stages of group development
 19. A group of different ways to propose systematic
 20. Describe the different leadership styles in their own words 
 21. Handle an appropriate leadership style depending on the teaching learning situation  
 22. Describe the different classroom management skills 
 23  Handle in an appropriately assertive way depending on the class situation
 24. When there is a violation of the class rule react in the right way
 26. Apply preventieve and  corrective measures taking into account the classroom situation



The learning objectives of secondary education (ASO en TSO) should have been acquired.

This course is identical to the following courses:
HBL42B : Practical Research 1
HBS19G : Practical Research 1 (No longer offered this academic year)
HBD38B : Practical Research 1 (No longer offered this academic year)
OO3001 : Teaching-as-research 1.2 (No longer offered this academic year)
OO3069 : HDE Practical Research 1.2
OO3019 : HDE Teaching-as-Research 1.2
HBK47B : Practical Research 1
OO3040 : Practical Research 1
OO3055 : Practice Research 1.2 (No longer offered this academic year)


3 ects. Educational Research 1 (B-ODISEE-JLO0SI)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment21 Second termSecond term
Audenaert Steven |  Decroos Liesbet
Kernteam Secundair Onderwijs St-Niklaas



I, as a student in this group
Basic social skills
Group dynamics: a start
Class Management
Feedback questions, give and receive

Obligatory educational tools    
A course with therorical frameworks, practical exercises and practical tasks.
Recommended educational tools    
See course
Distance education: These study directions, as well as the ECTS files, will give you information on:
- course objectives, organisation and study platform,
- coaching and evaluation forms,
- how to study: does and don’t’s,
- study material: primary subjects and additional subjects

The theoretical frameworks are explained mainly on the basis of assignments practiced (and evaluated). Additionally, a number of sessions will be organised in order to practice (and evaluate) the skills. These excerises form a part of the final result.


CAM - Students follow the lectures.
The theoretical frameworks are explained mainly on the basis of assignments practiced (and evaluated). During these lessons the different competences are practiced (and evaluated)

There are two mandatory sessions.
During these sessions you have the opportunity to ask questions about the acquisition theory.
Guided tutorial: You take no lectures or tutorials, but processes the material on an independent basis and primarily through contact with fellow students at a distance.
Guidance forms: during the sessions you have the opportunity to ask questions about the acquisition theory.

During these sessions students perform assignments. These excersises form part of the evaluation.


Agogic skills1 (B-ODISEE-JVO0SI)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : Computer, Reference work, Course material

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTALPass / Fail

Continuous assessment
Continuous assessment involves the exercises during the lessons / exercises, monitors, participation in the classroom; ...
After each chapter an assessment will take place


The exam consists of a multiple choice exam which is a closer look at the theoretical frameworks and insights.

1/20 does not time critical orders issued.
GR absent on training courses and complement the points once this is done.
GR legitimate means absent.
NA means absent from the exam.

Maximum 6 SP 36 SP on the cluster 'pedagogical courses' (including BSO Project 1 & 2 and the modules of the third training phase) are tolerable for the three training phases.