New Marketing Insights (B-ODISEE-OBB14A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSEnglish20 First termFirst term
Nowe Igor (coordinator) |  Nowe Igor
Kernteam Bedrijfsmanagement (BA)

Competency 3. The graduate shows entrepreneurial spirit, works independently, systematically and accurately and acts solution-oriented and innovative to optimize context-related business.
                     3.1   determines work, problems and chances pro-actively within the company or business enterprise (level 2 (advanced))
                     3.2   thinks of alternative ideas, propositions, solutions and actions and implements them (level 2 (advanced))

Competency 24.   The graduate is able to define objectives, product-service-, pricing, distribution, and communications strategies
                     24.1   determines segments, target groups and defines position. (level 2 (advanced))
                     24.2   takes decisions about products, services and assortment (level 2 (advanced))
                     24.3   takes decisions about distribution channels. (level 2 (advanced))
                     24.4   assesses communication tools and the communication mix (level 2 (advanced))
                     24.8   drafts a marketing plan integrating strategic elements such as product, services, distribution, communication and pricing. (level 2 (advanced))
                     24.9    determines and/or interprets data and trends relating to marketing (level 2 (advanced))

The general terms and conditions for admission are detailed in the "Odisee Education and Exam regulations".


3 ects. New Marketing Insights (B-ODISEE-OBB14a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment20 First termFirst term
Nowe Igor
Kernteam Bedrijfsmanagement (BA)

Marketing Insights is an elective course that covers a variety of topics that are “trending” in the field of marketing and will be delivered as a combination of lectures, in-class assignments and active participation in class. 
There is no exam for course - 100% ongoing assessment.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of topics that are likely to be covered:

  • SAVE model
  • Customer Decision Journey
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Innovation types and practices
  • 3H communication model
  • Branding models (Keller & Kapferer)


If all students are "Dutch-speaking", the course might be in Dutch



Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Take-Home
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

100% permanent evaluation during the course year - no exam.

You will have to use the theories and models on a chosen brand in groups.
Your paper will be subject of a peer evaluation: this will generate a "personal" factor, which will influence your final score.

Absence Policy. What do you have to do when you are ill during assignments/tests/presentation or absent during an exam? Please apply the BBM-absence policy as published online at or BM-absence policy:

BYOD Exam Policy. This course has an online, on campus exam where the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)-policy fully applies. The BYOD-policy is published online at or

AI & document authenticity Policy:  You need to submit authentic, original work for your course assignments, presentations and open book exams (no copy/paste from AI tools). The BBM/BM-AI & authenticity policies are published online at or . Deviation from this policy is only possible if the course lecturer explicitly allows use of AI-tools via TOLEDO announcement or in course material or assignment instructions”

In EP3 the retake assessment of the New Marketing Insights course will be a written exam with a combination of multiple choice and open questions accounting for 100% of the course weight (only individual, NO group work)

Absence Policy. What do you have to do when you are ill during assignments/tests/presentation or absent during an exam? Please apply the BBM-absence policy as published online at or BM-absence policy:

BYOD Exam Policy. This course has an online, on campus exam where the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)-policy fully applies. The BYOD-policy is published online at or

AI & document authenticity Policy:  You need to submit authentic, original work for your course assignments, presentations and open book exams (no copy/paste from AI tools). The BBM-AI & authenticity policies are published online at or Deviation from this policy is only possible if the course lecturer explicitly allows use of AI-tools via TOLEDO announcement or in course material or assignment instructions”