Digital Marketing Integrated (B-ODISEE-OBB01B)
Previous knowledge
The general conditions for admission and the compulsory sequentiality are described in the Education and Examination Regulations.
If you take up this course, you are expected to dispose of the prior knowledge from the OPO Digitale marketing. For English, the preferred level is: Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Skills.
Is included in these courses of study
- Bachelor of Business Management (Brussels) (Specialisation Marketing) 180 ects.
5 ects. Digital Marketing Integrated (B-ODISEE-OBB01b)
In the Digital Marketing Integrated course, you will learn how to apply digital marketing strategies and tactics in practice. The course consists of:
- Digital Marketing Theme Lessons
- English language lessons, applied to the Digital Marketing theme lessons
- Hands-on workshops
This is done by means of lectures, speaker sessions, a simulation game and practical exercises. In addition, these sessions can also be shaped by alternative activities such as attending a webinar or visiting a marketing fair or a company.
The sessions are situated within the theme modules below, but can still vary according to the rapid developments in the digital marketing landscape, the number of students and the availability of external speakers:
- Digital marketing trends
- Best practices, cases, workshops and inspiration sessions from the digital marketing field.
- Social media and advertising in practice
- Online store
- Content marketing (Podcasting,...)
- Search engine marketing in practice
- Marketing automation
- Email marketing
- Data for marketing
- ...
The practical English lessons are in line with the substantive Digital Marketing sessions. The following topics will be addressed:
- Copywriting for digital channels
- Storytelling through digital channels
- Meetings about marketing topics
- Vocabulary, spelling, syntax and grammar
- ...
The knowledge and skills acquired in previous years are consolidated. Language proficiency, marketing vocabulary, presentation and discussion training are integrated into one of the work sessions. Emphasis is placed on the individual learning path and an active rather than a passive approach to the English language.
For English, we are mainly active at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Skills ( This implies that you can express yourself fluently and flawlessly, both verbally and in writing with a varied use of words and regularly use more complex sentence structures.
An overview of the various sessions, assignments or alternative activities with practical arrangements, dates and possible changes can always be found on Toledo.
Language of instruction: more information
Dutch - English
Format: more information
Assignments - Collaborative (professional) learning - Simulation - Supported home-study
The Digital Marketing Integrated sessions are organized by means of lectures, a simulation game and practical exercises, among other things.
In addition, these sessions can also be shaped by alternative activities such as attending a webinar, a visit to a marketing fair or company or attendance at speaker sessions.
There are substantive sessions on specific Digital Marketing topics, English sessions and combined sessions/workshops in which students get to work with digital marketing tools in practice. The oral skills are also sharpened, both from situations with preparation and also without: discussion, explaining your opinion clearly and substantiated, negotiating, listening to each other and responding meaningfully and picking up on what is just being discussed. In addition, the sessions will work on a number of group assignments on research into economic aspects, trends and strategies and developing a company in a niche with the elaboration of the (digital) marketing strategy and a (non-) commercial website or the deepening of the non-profit sector hands on (on the basis of concrete cases)
The Digital Marketing Integrated sessions sometimes take place on campus and sometimes online. Consult your timetable for all details.
Important agreements on assignments and attendance at lectures
This course will be evaluated by continuous assessment. Strive for optimal and active attendance in order to be able to thoroughly carry out the oral and written assignments explained during the sessions throughout the semester.
If you arrive late for a class when it has already started and the doors are closed, you will not be able to enter until the next break. You actively participate in the lessons.
Inappropriate behavior during classes can negatively affect the evaluation (reduction of points) or give rise to an NA score for the course.
What should you do in case of lawful absence from compulsory classes? If you are unable to participate in a mandatory guest lecture due to illness or another force majeure reason, you must follow the absence policy of the Business Administration cluster IN ADVANCE (see: link to the Business Administration cluster absence policy on the student portal (log in to
If you are absent for a long period of time, please contact the ombudsman service to work out an arrangement.
Time of sessions
The fixed time blocks, reserved for Digital Marketing Integrated, are listed in the schedule.
Outside the fixed times, alternative activities can be organised (e.g. participation in a webinar, visit to a marketing conference or company, an extra feedback moment, etc.)
You must submit each sub-assignment within the predetermined deadline (see Toledo). As soon as you do not develop and submit a partial assignment, an NA score will be assigned. (= Niet Afgelegd / Not taken)
If you submit an assignment late without a legitimate reason, it will be considered unsubmitted, and you will receive a '0' for this assignment.
AI and ChatGPT
ChatGPT or other AI tools can serve to support commands. When you use it, you are also required to indicate this in your sources. If you don't do this, you will receive an NA or fail. You also demonstrate that you can use these tools critically. If the teacher mentions that you are not allowed to use AI tools for assignments, tests (continuous evaluation) and/or exams and you do this anyway, - this is of course considered fraud. More information about the Odisee-wide AI policy can be found at the following link:
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
This course will be assessed on the basis of continuous assessment.
1. 15% Individual assignment – Social media advertising (15 points)
You will individually go through a number of rounds of the social media marketing simulation tool "Stukent Social Media Simternship". The number of rounds you have to go through will be communicated on Toledo.
You will get the point communicated through the tool.
2. 65% Group Assignments – Digital Marketing + English (65 points)
You will work in a group on assignments for Digital Marketing + English.
The group score will be corrected by means of a peer evaluation.
The overview of the deadlines, the criteria and a description of the assignments is communicated via the project book on Toledo.
You submit all the tasks. The lecturers select a few assignments to be graded.
3. 20% Individual assignments – English (20 points)
You will also be assessed individually on English (orally and/or in writing).
Prerequisites to pass this course:
1. Comply with the general agreements:
Obtain at least half of the points on the total score of the assignments.
You have to submit each sub-assignment. As soon as you do not develop and submit a partial assignment, an NA score will be assigned. (=Not taken)
2. Important rules on assignments and attendance at lectures
For some (guest) lessons, attendance will be mandatory. If attendance is mandatory, you will be informed via Toledo. For each unlawful absence, 1 point will be deducted from the final score of this course to 20 points.
If you arrive late for a class when it has already started and the doors are closed, you will not be able to enter. You actively participate in the lessons.
Inappropriate behavior during classes can negatively affect the evaluation (reduction of points) or give rise to an NA score for the course.
(What should you do in case of legal absence for compulsory classes? If you are unable to participate in a compulsory guest lecture due to illness or other reasons of force majeure, you must follow the absence policy of the Business Administration cluster IN ADVANCE Follow the Business Administration absence policy as published online:
Information about retaking exams
1. (50%) Submission of individual portfolio with assignments
The original group assignments are now being worked out/adapted individually.
If you have already worked out certain sub-assignments qualitatively in the first examination period, you can take them with you to the resit in EP3. All you have to do is rework those unsuccessful sub-assignments. You do resubmit all assignments anyway and you also mark in yellow what you have completed and/or adjusted. The lecturers select one or more assignments to grade.
Not resubmitting a portfolio results in an NA score and you will not participate in the second, oral part.
2. (50%) Oral exam
You will present your portfolio during an oral exam. You will clearly highlight all aspects of Digital Marketing which have been covered during the lessons. The lecturers select one or more aspects. You will present in English.