5 Communication skills: English (B-ODISEE-JPWDA1)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSEnglish15 First termFirst term
Creytens Marc (coordinator) |  Creytens Marc
Kernteam Bouw Aalst

 Intellectual and cognitive capacities

 Acquisition and processing of information
Critical reflection
Acting methodically and systematically in function of creative knowledge generation/development
Communicative competency to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, both to specialists and non-specialists
 Lifelong learning 

The key element is learning how to study and "learning to learn". The way to do so is learning to deal with problem solving techniques. English focuses rather on job specifics and written skills.


see opo

Accordingly, he or she uses English independently in a self-reliant way.


3 ects. 5 Communication skills: English (B-ODISEE-JLWDB4)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment15 First termFirst term
Creytens Marc
Kernteam Bouw Aalst

The study material is professionally oriented. There will be a focus on a specific method which enables the student to be independent and to apply linguistic skills according to job specific needs.


see opo

English course

Practical oriented


Lectures, exercises. Technical oriented discussion on an interactive basis. Text analysis aiming to enable the student to solve problems.



Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Focus on an overall perspective of the student's skills.