IN2-2a Multimedia (B-ODISEE-JPOW37)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch20 Second termSecond term
Van der Eedt Peter (coordinator) |  Van Hooste Daan |  Van der Eedt Peter
Kernteam Secundair Onderwijs St-Niklaas

A. General competences
- Intellectual and cognitive capacities
- Acquisition and processing of information
- Lifelong learning
B. Profession-oriented/ General scientific competences
C. Profession-specific competences
- The teacher as expert

- Critical attitude 
- Willingness to learn  
- Team spirit 
- Sense of responsibility
- Flexibility
- Willing to work at correct use of language and communication
D. Scientific competences


See JLOW79

Previously required courses

The student needs to pass / have obtained  12 of the 15 credits of his main subjects in the first year in order to be allowed to take up the credits of these subjects in the second year

There is no previous course requirement for students in a second year who want to take up main subject credits  in the third year. In certain cases these courses can be combined.


3 ects. IN2-2a Multimedia (B-ODISEE-JLOW79)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment20 Second termSecond term
Van Hooste Daan |  Van der Eedt Peter
Kernteam Secundair Onderwijs St-Niklaas


basic knowledge 
Colormanagement and color mode 
Adobe Bridge 
Manipulating photos 
image editing 
Convert into black and white 
cloning en retouching 
perfect prints 

Audio and Video -editing

importing footage
put clips in the right order 
use transitions 
Making chapters 
add titles and subtitles 
sound editing 
storage for various media 
Burning DVD & adding menus 
edit colors and photos 
animations and adding effects


See JLOW79

See JLOW79


- Lecture
- Practice
- Groupwork
- Guidede self study


Tutoring sessions for distance learners on campus:  discuss theoretical questions / practise professional skills



Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Self assessment/Peer assessment
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Computer

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

- 0/20 indicates you  were not present when the exam took place
- A  indicates you had an official reason to be absent and can take the exam at a later date in the second exam period
- 1/20 means you did not hand in assignments as requested. 

In the course of the 6 semesters , a maximum tolerance of 6 credits can be applied  for the subject information science , only three of those in the first year

Assignments: 70%
Exam: 30%