Professional identity 3 (B-ODISEE-JPO0YE)
A. General competences
PB - 01. Intellectual and cognitive capacities
PB - 02. Acquisition and processing of information
PB - 03. Critical reflection
PB - 04. Acting methodically and systematically in function of creative knowledge generation/development
PB - 07. Lifelong learning
B. Profession-oriented/ General scientific competences
PB - 08. Capacity for teamwork
PB - 10. Responsibility to society and professional field
C. Profession-specific competences
- Being adults and future teachers living in the middle of a secularised, multicultural and multireligious world, it is important for the students to acquire knowledge and insight in the way the biblical-Christian tradition is dealing with existential and ethical questions.
- To be willing to enter into a confrontation with each other, with Christianity and other religions and views of life in a spirit of respect and critical openness and in a honest dialogue.
- To form one's own opinion on this matter and to adopt an authentic attitude in a sincere, personal and free way.
- To be able to distinguish and evaluate prevailing tendencies, norms and values in our society today.
- To be prepared to communicate their own opinion with critical maturity and full knowledge.
- To be engaged in the specific project of the catholic education.
- To be prepared to be open and cooperative to pastoral initiatives.
- To recognize the connection between quality education and teaching on the one hand and view of life on the other.
D. Scientific competences
See code OPO
Previous knowledge
A. Previously required courses
B. Required competences
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
OBK17A : Identity in Diversity 3
OBL03A : Identity in Diversity 3
OBS03A : Professional identity 3
OPS05A : Identity in Diversity 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
OAL65A : DHE Identity in Diversity 3
OAK31A : Identity in Diversity 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
OAK44A : DHE Identity in Diversity 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
OAL56A : Identity and Diversity 3
OWL29A : Identity and Diversity 3
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Professional identity 3 (B-ODISEE-JLO0YE)
Actual ideological topics in society.
On forbidden expressions of religion at school: religion in the public domain.
The identity of the catholic education project. Pedagogics and theology.
Ritual and liturgy (at school). Pastoral work at school.
Grief and bereavement (at school).
Relationship and ethics. Value education.
The connection between quality education and teaching on the one hand and view of life on the other.
A critical view on actual theories and practices of education.
A theory of presence (A. Baart).
See code OPO
Course material
Obligatory educational tools
- Course: Marc Peersman, Philosophy-Ethics-Religion 3-2, 2011.
- Book: yet to be determined
- Slides and extra documentation on Toledo
Students who take an international course (Erasmus, ...) will receive for RZL3-2 a specific programme.
Recommended educational tools
See in course text.
Format: more information
Lectures, group discussion, self study
HAO: self-study, with tutoring session on campus.
You will take no lectures or practical courses, but there is an introductory tutoring session on campus in which you will receive the study material and study instructions. You can also contact your fellow students.
Philosophy-Ethics-Religion3 (B-ODISEE-JVO0YE)
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
Two complementary elements:
- Oral exam
- Paper
Requirements and information about paper and examen will be given on Toledo.
A maximum tolerance of 3 credits can be applied for the subject Philosophy-Ethics-Religion (9 credits) over the six semesters.
HAO: normally the exams take place on evenings during the week. You can consult the document ‘Education and Exam regulations’ for more information on the organisation.