FR3-1b Methodology 3 (B-ODISEE-JPO0XI)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSFrench14 First termFirst term
De Winter Bart (coordinator) |  De Winter Bart
Kernteam Secundair Onderwijs St-Niklaas

A.  Level descriptors

- interpret / use / critically assess knowledge and insights
- apply skills in an isolated context / apply skills in an integrated context/ integrate the application of complex and specialized skills
- apply standard procedures / flexibly use standard procedures / flexibly use standard procedures linked to research results.
- Use in a familiar context / use in different contexts / use in complex and specialised contexts
- Perform a limited range of tasks / demonstrating initiative when performing tasks /demonstrating autonomy when performing tasks / demonstrating autonomy and cooperation when performing tasks
- Take responsibility for personal work / take responsibility for and stimulate collective results / share responsibility for collective results

B. Profession-specific competences   

01. The teacher as monitor of learning and development
01. Decisiveness
02. The teacher as educator
02. Relational orientation
03. The teacher as expert
03. Critical attitude
04. The teacher as organiser
04. Willingness to learn
05. The teacher as innovator, researcher
05. Organisational talent
06. The teacher as a partner of parents / substitute parents
06. Team spirit
07. The teacher as a member of a schoolteam
07. Sense of responsibility
08. The teacher as a partner of other organisations
08. Creative approach
09. The teacher as a member of the education community
09. Flexibility
10. The teacher as a participant in culture
10. Focus on correct language and communication

C.  Specific skills
The 4 language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening) on level B1 of the European Framework. Being interested in the French and French-speaking world and culture.


3 ects. FR3-1b Methodology 3 (B-ODISEE-JLO0XI)

3 ECTSFrenchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment14 First termFirst term
De Winter Bart
Kernteam Secundair Onderwijs St-Niklaas


    FR3-1b Vakdidactiek 5 (B-ODISEE-JVO0XI)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Portfolio

    AssessmentGrading scale
    TOTAL1-20/20 scale