Linguistic skills 3 (B-ODISEE-JPO0X0)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch21 First termFirst term
Huysman Lieve (coordinator) |  Huysman Lieve
Kernteam Secundair Onderwijs St-Niklaas

A. General competences     
- Intellectual and cognitive capacities
- Acquisition and processing of information
- Critical reflection
- Acting methodically and systematically in function of creative knowledge  generation/development
- Leadership
- Communicative competency to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, both to specialists and non-specialists
- Lifelong learning
B. Profession-oriented/ General scientific competences     
- Capacity for team work;
- Capacity for problem solving: competency for independent determination of problems, analysis of complex problems in professional  practice and development of useful solutions;
- Responsibility to society and professional  field
C. Profession-specific competences     
-  The teacher as monitor of learning and development 
-  The teacher as educator 
-  The teacher as expert
-  The teacher as organiser
-  The teacher as innovator and researcher
-  The teacher as a partner of parents / substitute parents 
-  The teacher as a member of the school team
-  The teacher as a partner of other organisations
-  The teacher as a member of the education community
-  The teacher as a participant in culture
 - Decisiveness
-  Relational orientation 
-  Critical attitude 
-  Willingness to learn  
-  Organisational talent 
-  Team spirit 
-  Sense of responsibility
-  Creative approach  
-  Flexibility
Willing to work at correct use of language and communication
D. Scientific competences     
E. Subject related competences

• Easy handling and functional use of learning resources including ICT resources
• Acquiring skills of problem solving and a research-oriented approach in solving problems
• Acquiring a critical attitude towards ones own thinking and acting about language
• Acquisition of attitudes such as order and precision, perseverance, independence, cooperation


cfr OPO

Previously acquired courses
Has passed or taken up a tolerance for  TAC3 in order to  enrol in TAC4.

This course is identical to the following courses:
OBL02A : Communication Skills for Teachers 3
OBS02A : Communication Skills for Teachers 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
OPS07A : Communication Skills for Teachers 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
OAK30A : Communication Skills for Teachers 3.1 (No longer offered this academic year)
OAK43A : DHE Communication Skills for Teachers 3.1 (No longer offered this academic year)
OAL44A : Communication Skills for Teachers 3.1
OAL64A : DHE Communication Skills for Teachers 3.1
OBK16A : Communication Skills for Teachers 3
OWL26A : Communication Skills for Teachers 3


3 ects. Linguistic skills 3 (B-ODISEE-JLO0X0)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment21 First termFirst term
Huysman Lieve
Kernteam Secundair Onderwijs St-Niklaas

Good pronunciation of the Dutch language
knowledge of the spelling
languagepolicies in schools
elaborate vocabulary




cfr OPO

HAO   Tutoring sessions for distance learners on campus:  discuss theoretical questions / practise professional skills
Academic calendar / Planning


Communication and Agogics 3 (B-ODISEE-JVO0X0)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation, Portfolio, Skills test
Type of questions : Closed questions, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Reference work

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale