Traineeship G in Flanders (B-ODISEE-OWR10A)
The learning outcomes (in Dutch) for this course can be consulted through the following link:
The following objectives need to be accomplished during the traineeship. The student midwife will
- Assist and support women during their pregnancy, labour and postpartum from a physiological point of view
- Communicate in a respectful way
- Approach individual needs, irrespective of the cultural and social background
- Reflect on the own practice and integrate these reflections actively during practical training
- Practice obstetrical, nursing and neonatal skills and perform examinations during pregnancy, labour and postpartum
- Organize care and follow-up during pregnancy, labour and postpartum adequately
- Provide health promotion during pregnancy, labour and postpartum to the couples
- Build a professional relationship with the couples as well as with the team of caregivers
- Explore how midwives are educated and employed in Flanders/Belgium and compare with the situation in the country of origin
- Increase and further develop the foreign language skills, including technical jargon
- Develop international competences and understand and respect the way of handling/behaviour of health professionals as well as clients in Flanders
Students have to complete successfully the 2nd year of their Midwifery education, including practical training. Students can only apply for an internship during the last year of their Midwifery education.
The general admission requirements and the order of enrolment are to be found in the education and examination regulations of your University.
Plaats in het onderwijsaanbod
10 sp. Traineeship G in Flanders (B-ODISEE-OWR10a)
Students midwifery can perform their practical training in a regional hospital on the following wards: labour and delivery ward, maternity and neonatology. We offer options for short and long mobility, which can be combined to a maximum of 21 ECTS: Traineeship F1 in Flanders (11 ECTS), Traineeship F2 in Flanders (5 ECTS) and Traineeship G in Flanders (10 ECTS). There is also a possibility to follow an additional course on Medical English (3 ECTS) or a Dutch language course. Traineeships are possible in both Autumn and Spring semester, depending on the available places for practical training in the hospital
More information about Medical English:
Study materials of the own institutions have to be used during the internship.
Toelichting onderwijstaal
Communication during practical training will be in Dutch and English
Toelichting werkvorm
Students have to perform different kind of shifts (day, early, late and night shifts) and a total of 38 hours/week.
Traineeship G in Flanders (B-ODISEE-O70542)
Examenmoment | Beoordelingsschaal |
TOTAAL | 1-20/20 puntenschaal |
The student prepares objectives for the practical training and send them to international coordinator before arrival. A midterm and end evaluation will be planned with the supervisor of the practical training. A final score is assigned to the practical training either by the sending institution or the receiving institutions, depending on the arrangements/agreements about internships between both institutions.
Toelichting bij herkansen
Er is geen tweede examenkans.
There is no possibility to resit the practical training in Flanders.