Blended Intensive Program - Research skills (B-ODISEE-OGT57A)

3 studiepuntenEngels36 urenTweede semesterTweede semesterUitgesloten voor examencontractUitgesloten voor creditcontract
Beck Ilse (coördinator) |  Beck Ilse |  N.
Kernteam Biomedische Laboratoriumtechnologie Gent

De algemene toelatingsvoorwaarden en de dwingende volgtijdelijkheid zijn beschreven in de onderwijs- en examenregeling


3 sp. Blended Intensive Program - Research skills (B-ODISEE-OGT67a)

3 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: College-practicum-opdracht36 urenTweede semesterTweede semester
Beck Ilse |  N.
Kernteam Biomedische Laboratoriumtechnologie Gent

Blended Intensive Program - Research skills challenges the students to work in small intercultural groups around a chosen topic.

Guided by mentors, students need to draft their project, search for and process scientific literature regarding the project, search for qualified and feasible analyses, translate these protocols to the available work setting, perform the experiments in a timely fashion, critically analyse the obtained background information and scientific results and interpret the data as far as possible.

Workplace learning, complementary to their project, will allow students to learn from experts in the field. Workplace visits (labs in Ghent) will inspire students and give the opportunity to compare these settings between homeland and visiting countries.

The students will present their project and (if possible) results in a (poster) presentation.

In years where Odisee itself does not organise this course, the content of the course may differ.

Needed information will be made available via Toledo.

This course is taught in English, as it is attended to cross-European similar students.

Begeleide zelfstudie - Digitaal leren - Interactievormen - Samenwerkend leren/Collaboratief leren - Werkplekleren


Blended Intensive Program - Research skills (B-ODISEE-O73120)

Type : Permanente evaluatie zonder examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Presentatie, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Medewerking tijdens contactmomenten, Procesevaluatie
Vraagvormen : Open vragen
Leermateriaal : Geen

TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal

  • The development of students troughout the course is observed and assessed by mentors.
  • Among other, the mentor pays attention to the following skills: communication, taking initiative, tenacity, empathy, critical sense, organisational skills, participation, teamwork and time-management
  • The groups' performances are assessed as a whole, but grade deviations within the group can be derived from self/peer assessments.


  • Student presence is mandatory throughout the course.
  • Deadlines for assignments are communicated in at timely fashion. Exceeding a deadline (<1 week) leads to half the possible score for this assignment. Exceeding a deadline (>1 week) leads to the score 0 for this assignment. Plagiarism (even partially) leads to the score 0 for this assignment.

When Odisee does not organise this course, the evaluation method may differ. Students will be informed of the variations in evaluation structure before the course starts.
