Digital leadership and innovation (B-ODISEE-OBM51A)
De algemene toelatingsvoorwaarden en de dwingende volgtijdelijkheid zijn beschreven in de onderwijs- en examenregeling.
Identieke opleidingsonderdelen
Dit opleidingsonderdeel is identiek aan de volgende opleidingsonderdelen:
OBM38A : Management en HICT (Niet meer aangeboden dit academiejaar)
Plaats in het onderwijsaanbod
- Bachelor in de voedings- en dieetkunde - in dagonderwijs (Gent) 180 sp.
- Bachelor in de voedings- en dieetkunde - in afstandsonderwijs (Gent) 180 sp.
- Bachelor in de ergotherapie (Brussel) 180 sp.
- Bachelor in de medische beeldvorming en radiotherapie (Brussel) 180 sp.
- Bachelor in de oogzorg (Brussel) 180 sp.
- Bachelor in de verpleegkunde - in dagonderwijs (Brussel) 240 sp.
- Bachelor in de verpleegkunde - Internationaal programma (Brussel) 240 sp.
- Bachelor in de verpleegkunde - in dagonderwijs (Aalst) 240 sp.
- Bachelor in de verpleegkunde - in dagonderwijs (Sint-Niklaas) 240 sp.
- Bachelor in de verpleegkunde - brugprogramma - 150SP (Aalst) 240 sp.
- Bachelor in de verpleegkunde - brugprogramma - 150SP (Sint-Niklaas) 240 sp.
3 sp. Digital leadership and innovation (B-ODISEE-OBM93a)
Digital innovation offers the necessary skills and knowledge in order to understand the needs of end-users and digitally transform care delivery. Additionally students familiarize themselves with key elements in the management of ICT-projects and current technical evolutions.
Project & innovation management
The student can identify the different roles in a project (client, system admin, project manager). (S)he applies the strategies (SOW, etc.) to outline the project. (S)he demonstrates knowledge on innovation management at the different levels of organisation and society.
Service design
The student demonstrates the ability to apply a service-delivery and user-centered approach (design thinking, patient design) in the design of care delivery. (S)he can summaries the question or problem of an end-user (computational thinking; user story mapping). The student is familiar with the concepts of technology pull and push, market and technology driven developments.
Law & ethics (GDPR)
The student can explain and discuss the impact of GPDR on the medical field. (S)he reflects on the own practice. (S)he demonstrates knowledge on the components of a DPA and propose strategies (architectural; organisational) to improve security. (S)he demonstrates familiarity with current issues for collaborations and data sharing.
Course material will be distributed on Toledo.
Toelichting werkvorm
Pre-recorded lectures in combination with assignments for theory classes. Practical classes are organised on campus.
Digital leadership and innovation (B-ODISEE-O72237)
Examenmoment | Beoordelingsschaal |
TOTAAL | 1-20/20 puntenschaal |
Paper in which the student applies a user-centred approach (incl. reflection on GPDR) to challenge current care delivery. A detailed assignment will be published on Toledo. Portfolio with exercises the student completes while studying the course. The final mark is a weighted averages of both marks: paper (70%) and portfolio (30%).
Toelichting bij herkansen
Same as first period.